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Searching for all articles published on 2003-12-10 ...
72 articles.
Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Buffalo runs amok, kills one KUDUS, Central Java: A buffalo that was about to be slaughtered for a wedding feast broke free from its pen and gored a villager to death in Kudus regency, Central Java, police have said.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

'Rights abuses are around us' The nation commemorates Human Rights Day on Dec. 10. The Jakarta Post asked several people about their perception of human rights.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Cases of violence against women rising in NTBLuh Putu Trisna Wahyuni, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Cases of violence against women have continued to increase every year in West Nusa Tenggara province.Household violence topped cases of abuse against local women, followed by rapes and other crimes.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Billions paid to redundant workersMulta Fidrus, The Jakarta Post, Tangerang State-owned insurance company PT Jamsostek has had to pay Rp 29 billion (US$3.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

BP to sign LNG supply contract with U.S. firmThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta Anglo-American energy giant BP Plc. is expected to sign an agreement next week to sell some 3 million tons per year of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to U.S.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Santia dedicates cycling to late grandmotherMusthofid, The Jakarta Post, Hanoi "I'm really happy that I could win a gold medal for the country. I'd love to present the victory to my late grandma," said 22-year old cyclist Santia Tri Kusuma of Indonesia. Santia, winner of the 30.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Experts sceptical but back Mega's calls on BNIThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta It remains to be seen whether calls from President Megawati Soekarnoputri to punish all the culprits behind a bank scandal reflect genuine concern about corruption or is simply a move to secure votes in the 2004 general ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Busway kicks off on Jan. 15Bambang Nurbianto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Jakarta administration announced on Tuesday that the controversial busway will open on Jan. 15, in line with the extension and expansion of the three-in-one traffic policy.Each passenger will be charged Rp 2,500 (29 U.S.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Futures conference to be held in BaliThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta Commodity market players, analysts and regulators from across Asia will gather in Bali for two days to discuss important issues related to the market and its role in nations' economic development.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Two Malaysians held in Riau on drugs chargesFadli, The Jakarta Post, Batam, Riau Police here said on Monday they had arrested two Malaysian nationals for allegedly possessing ecstasy pills in Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau province.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Medal tally G S B T Vietnam 73 32 36 141 Thailand 37 47 49 133 Indonesia 26 31 33 90 Malaysia 22 25 26 73 Philippines 21 21 41 83 Singapore 17 19 21 57 Myanmar 4 21 25 50 Cambodia 1 2 4 7 Laos 1 1 3 5 Brunei 0 1 5 6 ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Education budget goes to teachers TANGERANG: Head of the Tangerang Education Agency Harry Mulya Zain said on Tuesday that the budget for education had only been put toward the improvement of teachers' welfare rather than education infrastructure and facilities.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

SEA Games's medal tally Country G S B T Vietnam 73 32 35 140 Thailand 37 46 49 132 Indonesia 25 30 33 88 Malaysia 22 25 26 73 Philippines 21 21 40 82 Singapore 16 19 21 56 Myanmar 4 21 25 50 Cambodia 1 2 4 ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Law revision may raise House seatsMoch. N. Kurniawan, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Seats in the House of Representatives may increase to 556 from 550 as stipulated in Law No. 12/2003 on elections, as lawmakers will soon amend the legislation.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Ministers and legislators challenge judicial reviewMuninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Two ministers and five legislators appeared for the first time before the Constitutional Court on Tuesday to defend a number of laws challenged by several judicial organizations claiming ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

House to debate population billDewi Santoso, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The House of Representatives unanimously agreed on Tuesday to deliberate the draft revision of Law No. 10/1992, which seeks a jail term and fine for citizens who fail to report a child's birth or a family member's death.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Tobacco firms told to restructureThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The government repeated on Tuesday its pledge not to raise excise rates on cigarettes and alcoholic drinks next year to allow the industries to recover from a slump.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Kadin to hold China trade expoSari P. Setiogi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Jakarta chapter of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), together with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), are due to stage the China Export Products Fair 2003 to boost ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

CGI convenes amid rising criticismThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI) is set to start its two-day annual meeting on Wednesday to decide on a new loan commitment to help finance Indonesia's 2004 state budget, amid rising criticism of the donor grouping.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Indonesian lifters off to winning startThe Jakarta Post, Hanoi Jadi Setiadi and Gustar Junianto proved to be the strongest lifters in their divisions, as Indonesia won two out of three gold medals on offer on the opening day of the weightlifting competition here on Tuesday.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

KPK aspirants to undergo wealth checks, House saysMuninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post , Jakarta Despite previously stating otherwise, the House of Representatives (DPR) has decided to conduct a fresh round of screening for candidates for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).A.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Gaining mutual trust through community development Several oil and gas companies operating in remote areas in Indonesia have given assurances regarding their commitment to assisting the government to improve the welfare of the people through community development programs.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

RI infected with corruption Corruption is the most dangerous disease in the world. The cause of this disease is a nasty germ that can inflict terrible harm on anyone who contracts it.Corruptors can behave worse than an animal. An animal is greedy, but a corruptor is greedier than they are.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Yogyakarta university names award recipientsSri Wahyuni, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta Former minister of the environment Emil Salim and former rector of the Jakarta Teachers Training Institute (IKIP) Conny Semiawan will receive Hamengkubuwono IX Awards from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Will Russian election reflect real democracy?Gwynne Dyer, Columnist, London United Russia, the "party of power" that supports President Vladimir Putin, won a large majority in the Russian parliamentary elections on Dec. 7, just as everybody knew it would.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Water operator defends hike planP.C. Naommy and M. Taufiqurrahman, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta A top executive at city tap water operator PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja), claimed on Tuesday that the company would not be able to provide better services unless the Jakarta administration increased the ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Bumi shares suspended on rumors JAKARTA: The Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) and the Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX) suspended on Tuesday the trading of shares in mining company PT Bumi Resources on suspicion over share price fluctuations.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Legal framework, cooperation needed to help migrant workersThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The implementation of international legal frameworks and bilateral cooperation are needed to help exploited and abused women migrant workers, a regional workshop on protecting women migrant workers in Asia said ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Who makes the rules? I am an Indonesian housewife who has been shopping for about 10 years in Hero Kemang, South Jakarta. I was extremely annoyed to learn that bajaj are no longer allowed to enter the Hero Kemang parking lot, reportedly at the request of a "foreign customer".
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

BRI fraud suspects surrenderAbdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Two of the leading suspects in the Rp 294 billion (US$34.5) Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) loan scandal surrendered to the Attorney General's Office on Monday night.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

House urged to finalize FTZ law on BatamThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta Batam Industrial Development Authority (BIDA) chairman Ismeth Abdullah urged lawmakers to quickly complete the deliberation of the bill providing Free Trade Zone (FTZ) status for Batam as any further delay would slow down the flow ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Santia dedicates victory to late grandmotherMusthofid The Jakarta Post Hanoi"I'm really happy that I could win a gold medal for the country.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Rights watchdogs give bad marks to governmentUrip Hudiono, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Human rights watchdogs gave the thumbs down to the government on Tuesday, for policies they considered unfavorable and even flagrant violations of human rights principles.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Illegal logging: It's not just about law enforcementLuca Tacconi, Senior Economist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Jakarta In 2001, the most recent year for which relatively accurate statistics are available, Indonesians consumed some 19 million cubic meters of timber in the ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

ICRC resumes its activities in Aceh JAKARTA: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has resumed activities in conflict-torn Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam after four months of suspension.The reopening of the ICRC office in the provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Dec.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Indonesians win trip to South Korea JAKARTA: Four Indonesian high school and university students will get the chance to visit various places in South Korea after they were declared on Tuesday as winners of a writing contest on South Korea.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Commonwealth divided For now, the contentious issue of that country's continued suspension, which threatens to grievously split the body, has been prevented from deteriorating further with the formation of a stop-gap special committee.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

RI benefits from carbon trade mechanismStevie Emilia, The Jakarta Post, Milan, Italy As the summit on climate change here is set to enter the high level session on Wednesday, participants are completing mechanisms aiming to regain forest land and clean up the air, and also to gain money from ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Jakartans brace for floods next monthLeony Aurora , The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) says rainfall in Jakarta in January will be almost as high as it was during the disastrous floods in 2002.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Building a civil society Amid continuing gross violations in Indonesia of the basic human right to shelter -- as the forced eviction of squatters in Jakarta has so dramatically illustrated in the past few weeks -- this year's focus on domestic violence in commemorating World Human Rights Day -- ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Man shot dead for alleged robbery TANGERANG: Police shot dead a man in Cikupa district, Tangerang regency, early Tuesday for attacking officers and trying to escape arrest over allegedly robbing and killing a man.Tangerang Police detective deputy chief Insp.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Megawati off to overseas trip JAKARTA: Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri on Tuesday left Jakarta for a nine-day trip to Japan, China and Pakistan, her seventh overseas tour this year.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

The integration of banks, capital markets, state budget a good startKahlil Rowter, Head of Research, Mandiri Sekuritas, Jakarta The linkage among the banking industry, the capital market and the government budget has moved from merely influencing each other to a tightly integrated one.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

House to revise law on BPKThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The House of Representatives has decided to revise Law No. 5/1973 on the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) which is aimed at, among other things, making the agency's audit work more effective.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

The Jakarta Post Jakarta/Bekasi Although the contract between Jakarta and Bekasi on the use of the Bantar Gebang dump expires at the end of this month, Bekasi remains unsure whether Jakarta will be permitted to continue dumping its daily 6,000 tons of garbage at the site.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Australia provides A$26m to RIThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The governments of Indonesia and Australia signed an agreement on Tuesday on Australia's A$26 million assistance program for five years to support Indonesia's economic reform program.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Eviction doesn't worry Glodok sidewalk vendorsTony Hotland, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The recent series of evictions executed by the Jakarta administration has given rise to little other than a "well, whatever" type of response among "regular evictees".
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

'Fuel issue' may pose a big challenge to new governmentRudijanto, Contributor, Jakarta Whoever wins the presidential election will face a big test in 2005, when the country implements the liberalization of the downstream sector in oil and gas.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Rowers help Indonesia reclaim third placeMusthofid, The Jakarta Post, Hanoi Indonesian rowers extended their domination in the 22nd Southeast Asian Games on Tuesday to help the national squad back into third place with 26 gold medals and ousting Malaysia to fourth with 23 golds.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Valspar opens base in Indonesia JAKARTA: New York-listed paint and coatings company Valspar Corporation is building a US$1.2 million facility at the Soewarna Business Park, Cengkareng, to serve as its operational base in Indonesia.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Reenactment traces bomb assemblyDamar Harsanto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The explosives used in the bomb attack on the JW Marriott Hotel in Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Aug. 5, had been assembled at a rented house on Jl. Kemuning Raya in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, say police investigators.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

China steps up commitment against AIDSJohn Gittings , Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, London China has finally begun to confront a looming HIV/AIDS crisis which international NGOs say could reach African proportions if not tackled seriously now.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Snow monkeys released in Safari Park BOGOR: Six snow monkeys (Macaca fuscata) from Japan were released on Tuesday in conjunction with the inauguration of the Gunma Safari Park inside the grounds of the Indonesian Safari Park in Cisarua, Bogor.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Govt delays signing antigraft pact JAKARTA: Indonesia will not sign the United Nations Convention against Corruption in Mexico this week, but at the world body's headquarters in New York next week.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Cigarette smuggling attempt foiled SURABAYA: Customs officials at Tanjung Perak port here foiled an attempt on Tuesday to smuggle American brand Marlboro cigarettes into Indonesia.The move meant that a potential loss of Rp 1.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Boyce raps Hassan over Iraq criticismReuters, Jakarta In unusually blunt remarks, U.S. Ambassador Ralph Boyce said on Tuesday that Indonesia's strong criticism of Washington's Iraq policies should be kept to the proper channels and not aired in public.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Medco sees oil production to drop next yearRendi A. Witular, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Publicly listed energy company PT Medco Energi Internasional said on Tuesday that its oil production in 2004 would drop by 14 percent on depleted reserves, forcing the company to boost gas production to ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Court begins STPDN killing trialsThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Sumedang District Court opened the trials on Tuesday of 10 students of the Public Administration Institute (STPDN) charged with killing junior Wahyu Hidayat, 20, early in September.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Patient dies in 5th-floor leap JAKARTA: Mamay Riskomar, 54, killed himself by jumping from the fifth floor of Fatmawati Hospital, Cilandak, South Jakarta, on Tuesday morning.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Microsoft Indonesia launches Office 2003Eva C. Komandjaja, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta A little over a month after the initial launching in New York in October, PT Microsoft Indonesia launched on Tuesday a set of new computer applications called Microsoft Office System 2003.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Big names shun PDI-P offer JAKARTA: A number of big names have rejected an offer from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) to represent it in next year's general election.Economists Mari Pangestu and Sri Mulyani have said they would not contest the elections, as has Lt.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Safari Park gets snow monkeys BOGOR: Six snow monkeys (Macaca fuscata) from Japan were released on Tuesday in conjunction with the inauguration of the Gunma Safari Park inside the grounds of the Indonesian Safari Park in Cisarua, Bogor.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Ex-militiamman defers papua plan for nationalist groupNethy Darma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Timika, Papua A group of former East Timorese militiamen postponed a plan on Tuesday to open a branch office of their pro-integration Red-and- White Defenders Front (FPMP) in Papua province, following ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Wednesday's programSwimming Finals: Women's 50m Freestyle, 200m Butterfly, 400m Individual Medley, Men's 200m Freestyle, 200m Butterfly, 4x100m MedleyDiving Finals: Women's Synchronized 10m Platform, Men's Synchronized 3m SpringboardTrack and fields Finals: Women's Hammer Throw, 5000m, Men's Pole ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

RI students in Pakistan grilledFabiola Desy Unidjaja, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta A joint team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Police and the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) are conducting a preliminary interrogation of six Indonesian students detained in Pakistan for alleged ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Medal tally G S B T1. Vietnam 73 32 36 141 2. Thailand 37 48 49 134 3. Indonesia 26 31 34 91 4. Malaysia 23 25 26 74 5. Philippines 21 21 41 83 6. Singapore 17 19 21 57 7. Myanmar 4 21 25 50 8. Cambodia 1 2 4 7 9.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

To dump or not to dump, that is Jakarta's questionThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta/Bekasi Although the contract between Jakarta and Bekasi on the use of the Bantar Gebang dump expires at the end of this month, Bekasi remains unsure whether Jakarta will be permitted to continue dumping its daily 6,000 ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Unilever acqisition of Knorr okayed JAKARTA: PT Unilever Indonesia, a subsidiary of global consumer products giant Unilever Plc, said on Monday that the majority of its shareholders had approved the firm's acquisition of food seasoning products company PT Knorr Indonesia.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

New Order officials eligible for DPDMoch. N. Kurniawan, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Former government officials of the Soeharto administration and graft suspects were among the 757 candidates from 26 provinces declared fit to run on Tuesday by the General Elections Commission (KPU) for the Regional ...
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

'I'm glad to meet you' HANOI: Communication is a challenging barrier, as very few Vietnamese speak English.On Sunday, local cycling supporters flocked the Hanoi-Bac Ninh highway, where the Individual Time Trial was being held.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Flood team sent to Netherlands MEDAN, North Sumatra: Medan municipality administration sent on Tuesday a joint team to the Netherlands to learn about how to handle flooding, which often hits the city.
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Wed, 10 Dec 2003

Summit should be used to advance East Asia strategyYoshihide Soeya, The Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo China's remarkable advancement has triggered new moves for economic integration in East Asia.
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