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Searching for all articles published on 1998-09-07 ...
43 articles.
Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Soeharto urged to help poor people JAKARTA (JP): Golkar chairman Akbar Tandjung has urged former president Soeharto to direct the Dakab Foundation to hand over its funds to the government to help low-income families weather the crisis.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Freeport denies ignoring local people JAKARTA (JP): American mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia has denied an Antara report that the company had failed to improve the lot of the local community in Irian Jaya in the more than 25 years it has been there.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Think nationally! "The momentum is still on the side of the reform movement," Adam Schwarz said in The Jakarta Post (Sept. 3). I agree with him, the gate has not yet been closed for all of us to march forward to turn this nation into a civil society.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Reconciliation at last? Though much belated, the government's agreement to form a national reconciliation team consisting of representatives of the government, the National Commission on Human Rights, non- governmental organizations and the public at large can only be welcomed.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Indonesian hotel industry slumps as crisis continuesBy Devi M. Asmarani JAKARTA (JP): Over three decades of rapid economic growth had fostered Indonesia's hotel industry, but recent economic and political blows are now threatening high-flying investment in star-rated hotels.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

16 still being questioned over rice delivery orders JAKARTA (JP): Police are still questioning 16 people, including an official of the city's logistics agency (Dolog Jaya), for their alleged role in the illegal transaction and possession of rice delivery orders, an official said on Sunday.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

New team gets cautious welcome JAKARTA (JP): Observers were cautious over the weekend about the establishment of the National Reconciliation Team -- intended to avert national disintegration -- and suggested that President B.J.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

More counters for phone bills JAKARTA (JP): East Jakarta residents will no longer have to join the long queues at local major post offices to pay their telephone bills.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Middle class families 'should help the poor' JAKARTA (JP): Sociologist Paulus Wirutomo urged middle class families to help the poor in order to minimize social instability as the crisis thrusts millions of Indonesians below the poverty line.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Where to go in Jakarta:Exhibitions * Photo Exhibition: Kabut di Rumah Betang, by Melki Lesmana, at Galeri Cipta III, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Central Jakarta, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., until Sept. 7.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Govt bank probe on credits 'may send wrong signal' JAKARTA (JP): The government's hastiness in trying to recover massive liquidity support given to ailing banks may send out a wrong signal about efforts to rehabilitate the troubled industry, an expert has warned.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Hardship forces many to reduce food consumptionBy Ida Indawati Khouw JAKARTA (JP): Hardship incurred during the prolonged economic crisis has forced many residents of the Greater Jakarta area, especially those living in underdeveloped subdistricts, to reduce their daily food intake.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Hamengkubuwono X to send team to talks YOGYAKARTA (JP): Yogyakarta's Sultan Hamengkubuwono X is to set up a small team to represent the sultanate palace in talks with the government aimed at drafting a presidential decree covering gubernatorial succession in the special province.President B.J.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Big Ecstasy factory uncovered JAKARTA (JP): The National Police have uncovered a large Ecstasy producing factory on Jl. Muhtar Raya in Ciledug, Tangerang, an official said on Friday.Maj. Gen. Da'i Bachtiar, the chief detective in the National Police, said the discovery was the largest this year.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Four arrested for extortion JAKARTA (JP): Four men were arrested on Thursday for allegedly pretending to be Marine officers and extorting money from a businessman in Muara Baru, Cilincing, North Jakarta.Marine Corps spokesman Maj.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

'Silver Town' sees silver lining slip awayBy Gin Kurniawan YOGYAKARTA (JP): A former seat of the ancient Mataram Kingdom, Kotagede to the southeast of downtown Yogyakarta is dubbed "Silver Town" because the majority of its residents are silversmiths.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Indonesia eying four Asiad golds from badminton JAKARTA (JP): Indonesia is setting its sights on winning four gold medals from its shuttlers in the upcoming Asian Games in Bangkok in December, despite its disappointing result in the just-concluded Asian Championships.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Bapepam to issue rules to help firms restructure YOGYAKARTA (JP): The capital market watchdog, Bapepam, is to soon issue new rules on the revaluation of assets, mergers and acquisitions, and income tax on debt write-offs.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Indonesia must stop its politics of hatredBy Sri Pamoedjo Rahardjo JAKARTA (JP): Lessons learned from 53 years of independence in Indonesia are characterized by only two long-term serving leaders.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

RI needs to formulate a long-term strategy Although the government appears to have fought the current crisis tooth and nail, it does not seem to have abated. Jusuf Wanandi, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, talks of pitfalls lying ahead.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

An Indonesian lesson for Malaysia When Amien Rais was forced to resign as chairman of the council of experts in the Association of Indonesian Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI), Anwar Ibrahim, who at the time was Malaysia's deputy prime minister, sent him a telephone message of sympathy.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

'Soeharto must be held liable for wrongdoing' JAKARTA (JP): Former president Soeharto must be held accountable for any mismanagement of financial and economic policies during his tenure, a constitutional law expert has said.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Azwar prepared to quit as PSSI chairman JAKARTA (JP): All Indonesian Soccer Federation (PSSI) chairman Azwar Anas took the blame on Sunday for Indonesia's farcical defeat to Thailand in their Tiger Cup group match, saying he was prepared to step down on account of it.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Farmers face harvest failure JAKARTA (JP): Farmers in Tangerang are facing failed harvests as a result of a jump in the population of snails and rats in their paddy fields in the city's coastal districts.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Building autonomy in Indonesia's state universitiesBy Iwan Pranoto BANDUNG (JP): Universities are not merely buildings, but ideas and cultures remaking themselves.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Action demanded against perpetrators of atrocities JAKARTA (JP): The Association of Indonesian Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI) has urged the government to take legal action against all Armed Forces personnel involved in atrocities in Aceh during the military operations there.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Megawati states readiness to fight general election JAKARTA (JP): Megawati Soekarnoputri, the ousted leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI), stated on Sunday that she was ready to stand in the upcoming general election and urged all party members to get ready to join the polls.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Make a To-do list your desktop's background wallpaperBy Zatni Arbi JAKARTA (JP): Wouldn't it be nice to be able to quickly check your list of tasks at any time, so that you always know what to tackle next? There are a number of nice programs that you can use for this purpose, including SideKick ...
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Soeharto says on TV he has 'not one cent' abroad JAKARTA (JP): Former president Soeharto denied allegations on Sunday night that he has a personal fortune worth trillions of rupiah stashed both overseas and at home.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Moslems demand fresh probe into Priok case JAKARTA (JP): Moslem preachers and thousands of followers demanded on Sunday a fresh investigation into the 1984 killing of Moslems in Tanjung Priok, and that the military leaders at the time -- including former vice president Try Sutrisno and ...
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Mining firms 'misperceived by public'By Johannes Simbolon JAKARTA (JP): The Indonesian Mining Association has expressed concern over the spate of criticism currently leveled against the country's mining industry, saying much of the criticism is due to public misperceptions.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Restructuring RI companies to create valueBy Bernd Waltermann JAKARTA (JP): Indonesia's executives and policymakers face difficult challenges in every dimension -- to simultaneously restructure the financial sector, reinvent the structure and practices of corporate enterprises and redefine ...
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

TV todayTVRI 2:00 p.m. News: Berita 14 2:35 TV Series: The Big Valley 3:05 Management Program: Kiat Manajemen 3:30 TV Drama: Pintu Keluar 4:00 Regional News 4:30 Creative Program: Karya Kita 5:00 Indonesian Lessons 5:30 Education Quiz: Tangkas Cermat 6:00 News: Lintasan Berita ...
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

On riot mastermind My congratulations to Mr. Robin Peter Holman for his analysis on this subject under the title Why look for masterminds? in Your Letters on Sept. 1, 1998.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Chandra wins Formula Asia national c'ships JAKARTA (JP): Veteran driver Chandra Alim edged Fino Saksono in the fourth and final leg of the Formula Asia autoracing championship on Sunday to overtake his perennial rival in the standings and emerge the overall winner.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Dollar liquidity crisis Please allow me to take the liberty to comment on A way out of the liquidity crisis by Mr. C.J. de Koning which appeared in The Jakarta Post on Aug. 24 and Aug. 25. In the article the author reduces the current crisis to a simple problem of U.S. dollar liquidity.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Ships suspected of exporting rice held CILACAP, Central Java (JP): Two ships carrying 70 and 80 metric tons of rice were impounded on Saturday morning at the Tanjung Emas harbor in Semarang on suspicion they were about to export rice.Central Java Police chief Maj. Gen.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Bulog to honor deals despite end of monopolies JAKARTA (JP): Minister of Industry and Trade Rahardi Ramelan said on Saturday the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) had completely stopped importing sugar, soybeans and wheat following a recent removal of the government's subsidies on the commodities.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Eliminating hatred in our societyBy Mohamad Sobary The following article is based on a paper presented at a discussion on "New Vision" held by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta on Aug. 25, 1998.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

No global recession? Prime Minister John Howard declared there would not be a world recession. As the reverberations of sharp stock market falls around the globe were still being felt, some might think this is a big call.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Burglar arrested for stealing TV JAKARTA (JP): A construction worker was arrested on Saturday for breaking into a house belonging to one of The Jakarta Post's photographers in Sunter, North Jakarta, on the previous day.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Police question eight people over Bekasi incident JAKARTA (JP): Bekasi Police have questioned at least eight people following the death of a resident of Kampung Jati, Tambun subdistrict, on Friday.Bekasi Police chief Lt. Col.
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Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Recession fears likely to affect local stocks JAKARTA (JP): Trading in the country's ailing stock market is expected to further send stock prices down this week as fears of a lingering global recession and reports of escalating riots at home continue to kill market sentiment.
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