Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Ships suspected of exporting rice held

CILACAP, Central Java (JP): Two ships carrying 70 and 80 metric tons of rice were impounded on Saturday morning at the Tanjung Emas harbor in Semarang on suspicion they were about to export rice.

Central Java Police chief Maj. Gen. Nurfaizi said the crew claimed the ships, which were not identified, were heading for Kalimantan and were carrying ocean fishing equipment. "But after we checked (the cargo) it turned out to be rice," the former National Police chief detective said. He declined to disclose the ships' identity, their owner or the owners of the cargo.

While checking the aftermath of the riots here at the end of last month, Nurfaizi urged local authorities to immediately widen the Kaliyasa canal where fishing boats had often been damaged.

Sudarsono, the head of the Cilacap fishery harbor here said his office had provided Rp 157 million (US$14,250) for the repairs. (45)