Mon, 07 Sep 1998

Megawati states readiness to fight general election

JAKARTA (JP): Megawati Soekarnoputri, the ousted leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI), stated on Sunday that she was ready to stand in the upcoming general election and urged all party members to get ready to join the polls.

"There must not be any doubt now," she said to the thundering applause of 1,500 of her supporters who had gathered for the opening of a new secretariat office for the faction in the party which remains loyal to her. The office is on Jl. Lenteng Agung Raya in South Jakarta.

"I, Megawati Soekarnoputri, will join the election. We must struggle to be included in the election process," she said. The crowd, clad mainly in the party's trademark red and black, cheered and cried out her name.

Megawati said she did not fear attempts to prevent her from contesting the election, for example through attempts by the bureaucracy to exclude her party on technicalities included in the laws on elections and political parties which are currently being drafted. "I am always ready for attempts to thwart me... (but) I will still join the race."

She believed the upcoming election would be the nation's "most important to date" because it would be the last to be held this century.

In the 21st century, the government would no longer be able to insist on conformity to the principles of "legality and constitutionality" without "really looking at the real people's aspirations", she said.

"Such a government would disgrace the nation in the eyes of the world," Megawati said in an apparent attack on the government's stubborn insistence on recognizing only a rival faction of the PDI.

In June 1996, former president Soeharto's government sponsored a breakaway party congress in the North Sumatra capital of Medan during which Megawati was replaced as party leader by her rival Soerjadi. On July 27 1996 a violent take-over of the PDI headquarters occurred involving Soerjadi supporters.

Late last month, the Habibie government -- insisting on the "principle of legality" -- recognized Budi Hardjono as Soerjadi's legitimate successor to the party chair following a congress held in Palu, Central Sulawesi.

In her speech, Megawati questioned the government in her capacity "as the chairwoman of the PDI's central board", saying: "Will they (the government) continue to insist they are acting in accordance with the law, their version of legality, without looking at what people really want?"

Megawati also warned those who might be tempted to attack her new headquarters. Her supporters cried out "War!" when she asked how they would respond if the building was attacked this time.

"Don't mess around with this building. It belongs to the PDI. Don't create trouble in this time of crisis," Megawati said.

"In the name of Allah, I hereby officially open the Secretariat Office of the Central Board of the Indonesian Democratic Party," she said to the loud cheers of supporters.

The opening was followed by a performance of Balinese dances and a choir sung patriotic songs. Guests at the occasion included government critic Lt. Gen. (ret) Ali Sadikin, senior politicians Roeslan Abdulgani and Supeni, and representatives from the United States, the Netherlands and Poland. (aan)