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Searching for all articles published on 1994-11-14 ...
48 articles.
Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Police uncover offshore oil thefts Officers of the water and air police unit have arrested 24 people for stealing diesel fuel on the Pabelokan and Jagautara islands in the Seribu Island chain, to the north of Jakarta.Spokesman for the City Police A.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Indonesia stamps its mark on APEC JAKARTA (JP): Indonesia asserted itself with their endorsement of the declaration on human resources development, a concept which it has helped promote and push into the forefront of the forum's agenda during its one year leadership.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Declaration on human resources development JAKARTA (JP): The following is the text of the Declaration - A Human Resources Development Framework for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

United States looks to APEC for economic promise The reality of today's global economy is that the center of economic gravity has shifted away from the traditional industrial economies of the Atlantic to the dynamic, innovative ones of the Pacific Rim.The U.S.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Soeharto stresses need for health services improvement JAKARTA (JP): President Soeharto has underlined the importance of improving medical services in a bid to anticipate the rising number of challenges in the country's health programs.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Building interdependence in APEC The following article is based on an interview with noted political scientist Dewi Fortuna Anwar in connection with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

What's wrong with Gus Dur Most western observers acknowledge that Islam in Indonesia is a little bit different from that in other countries. Compared to Middle Eastern countries or in South Asia, Islam in Indonesia looks very calm and tolerant. However, Indonesian Moslems are quite sensitive.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Baby killed in ship collision AMBON: An infant died when a luxury cruise ship belonging to PT Pelni, the state-owned shipping company, was hit by a passenger ship on its way from Sorong to Ternate late last week.An official of the Ternate port, M.S.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

U.S. launches cooperative education program in APEC The United States has launched a new program under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) umbrella with the goal of expanding cooperation in higher education within the Asia-Pacific Region.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Tire firm gets $117m loan JAKARTA (JP): PT Gadjah Tunggal, a tire manufacturer listed on the domestic stock exchanges, has secured a US$117 million revolving credit "club" facility from a consortium of 13 international banks.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Canada calls for acceleration of tariff cuts JAKARTA (JP): Canada yesterday urged fellow APEC members to accelerate the implementation of tariff cuts based on the Uruguay Round agreement.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Soeharto's views on Bogor's declaration win support JAKARTA (JP): Economic leaders from Japan, Singapore and Taiwan came out in support yesterday of President Soeharto's views on the declaration to be adopted by APEC leaders in Bogor tomorrow, a senior Indonesian official said yesterday.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

S. Korea promises to hike investments in Indonesia JAKARTA (JP): South Korea will increase investments in the development of seaports, roads and the automobile and electronics industries in Indonesia, President Kim Young-Sam said yesterday after meeting with President Soeharto for about two hours.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

UI to promote new professor The School of Law of the University of Indonesia will promote R.M. Girindro to the rank of professor on Nov. 11.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

TV todayTVRI 2:30 p.m. TV Series: Rude Dog & The Dwubs 3:00 Children's Program: Riang Ria 3:30 TV Series: Unsolved Mysteries 4:30 School Quiz: Cepat Tepat 5:00 Regional News 5:30 Science Program 6:05 Nusantara, the Beloved Country 6:15 Village Program 6:30 Foreign Reports 7:00 ...
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Prolonged weekend leads to mass exodus JAKARTA (JP): The presidential decree declaring Nov. 14 and Nov. 15 public holidays for all government and private sector offices, as well as schools, in Jakarta has sparked a mass exodus from Jakarta to other cities and even other countries.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

E. Timorese still hold ground at U.S. embassy JAKARTA (JP): A group of 29 young East Timorese who forced their way into the American embassy on Saturday were still holed up inside as of last night. They refused orders to leave by embassy officials and rejected offers of mediation.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Oscar Vromas takes int'l motocross title JAKARTA (JP): Oscar Vromas of the Netherlands wrapped up his Lucky Strike international motocross championships campaign in style, producing a come-from-behind run to take the overall title after the grueling final leg yesterday.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Chinese war of words The joint press conference at the end of the APEC ministerial meeting on Saturday became, at one point, an arena for the China versus Taiwan battle.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Evans still confident on free trade deadline JAKARTA (JP): Australia remained optimistic that leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum would adopt a declaration for the implementation of trade liberalization by a set deadline.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

APEC vehicle towards trans-Pacific community The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum is a vehicle for Asia to define itself in trans-Pacific terms, not just East Asia regional terms, a U.S. administration official says.The U.S.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Bukaka, Indoprima to offer shares for local market JAKARTA (JP): Two manufacturing firms will soon offer shares to the public through the domestic stock exchanges to raise funds for their expansion programs.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Clinton lends support to APEC ideals U.S. President Bill Clinton's arrival in Jakarta yesterday, accompanied by many of his administration's prominent members, affirms his wholehearted commitment to the success of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) process.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Sincerity key human resources qualityBy Bob Widyahartono JAKARTA (JP): As we enter the APEC era, the question for many Indonesian businesses is not "what is the newest, or best, technique in human resources development (HRD)?" but "are they sincere in HRD, professionally?"Can they claim that, ...
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Denmark group at Hard Rock Do you want to shake off some APEC stress, from reading conference results to facing closed roads? Go to the performance of the popular group from Denmark, "Michael Learns to Rock," scheduled for a one-night performance on Tuesday.Their performance will begin at 10 p.m.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Car theft suspects arrested in Klaten PURWAKARTA, West Java: The Purwakarta police arrested two vehicle theft suspects in their hiding place in Tulungrejo village, Klaten, Central Java.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Abdurrahman Wahid's election to world religious body hailed JAKARTA (JP): Prominent religious figures have hailed the decision made by the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) to name Abdurrahman Wahid, chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama organization, a member of the presidium of the WCRP.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

World leaders come to town JAKARTA (JP): Presidents Bill Clinton of the United States and Jiang Zemin of China arrived in Jakarta yesterday as Indonesia plays host, for the next two days at least, to leaders of some of the world's most powerful countries.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Waiting for stronger signal The results of the APEC Ministerial Meeting may come as a major disappointment especially to businessmen who from the outset have focused their attention on the proposed timetable for free trade and investment liberalization in the region.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

SmartSuite 3.0: More integrated and more versatileBy Zatni Arbi JAKARTA (JP): Suites are now making the biggest chunk of software sales, more than the sales of stand-alone programs.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Internet access available through 'IndoNet' service JAKARTA (JP): Number of readers have been anxiously asking whether there's a cost-efficient way they can access Internet in Indonesia. Have I got good news for you! You can now access Internet through PT IndoInternet's network, called IndoNet.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Indonesian, Australian firms sign US$5.5 billion contract JAKARTA (JP): Two Indonesian-Australian joint venture companies, PT Indonesia Bulk Terminal and PT Adaro Indonesia, have signed a US$5.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Where to go in Jakarta:Music * The Aryaduta Jakarta, Jl. Prapatan 44-48, Central Jakarta: - Ambiente Italian Restaurant: Bonauli vocal group, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Lost Morenitos, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

U.S. foreign policy International policy won't change, Secretary of State Warren Christopher bravely told the South Koreans and everyone else listening, which means everyone else.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Retailers set up another association JAKARTA (JP): The country's largest retailers agreed to form an association to enhance cooperation in further developing retail trade at a trendy restaurant in Senayan, Central Jakarta late last week.Under the agreement, H.E.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Joop does his part Indonesian Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications Joop Ave has different ways of making APEC delegates and journalists feel welcome.Yesterday, he greeted an arriving Mexican journalist by bursting into the Spanish song "Cucurucucu Paloma...".
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Is it `APEC', `apek' or `apes'?: Jakartans are wonderingBy Yoko N. Sari JAKARTA (JP): Every big event generates its own jokes, or anecdotes, and the big APEC gathering in Indonesia over the past week is no exception among the local people.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

APEC ministers' joint statement Following is the joint statement issued on Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994, at the conclusion of the two-day ministerial meeting of the 18 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation members in Jakarta.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Cooperation to preserve water catchment urged JAKARTA (JP): Governor Surjadi Soedirdja underlined late last week the importance of cooperation between Jakarta and West Java in preserving water catchment areas.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Mahathir to inaugurate joint venture bank JAKARTA (JP): Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is scheduled to inaugurate PT May Bank Nusa International, a Malaysian-Indonesian joint venture bank established with a capital of Rp 100 billion (US$46 million), at a ceremony here today.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

APEC albumPhoto A: LuncheonJP/alxAPEC TOAST: South Korean President Kim Young-sam raises his glass for a toast with Indonesia's Coordinating Minister of Economy and Finance during a business luncheon.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Free trade concept stretched In their latest move, the APEC conference organizers have expanded on the concept of free trade, which members continue to debating in order to suit their respective programs.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Share prices mixed amidst lackluster trading JAKARTA (JP): Stock prices closed mixed across the board amidst lackluster trading throughout last week.The market generally seemed to lack fresh factors, following the weak performance of the regional markets.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

E. Timor to have health academy DILI, East Timor: The provincial office of the health ministry will establish an academy of health in East Timor next year to improve the quality of nurses in the province.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Malaysian wins Formula Asia JAKARTA (JP): A thrilled Alex Yoong of Malaysia took his first Formula victory in commanding style in Zhuhai, China, yesterday.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Chile keen on taking part in all processes of APEC JAKARTA (JP): Chile, it appears, has nothing to lose and everything to gain from its APEC membership. That's at least what Chilean officials attending the APEC meeting in Jakarta are trying to impress on others.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Expatriate seeking help I am an expatriate and have been working in Indonesia for more than five years. I like the country because of its relaxed nature, unlike Singapore, which is a little bit too formal and too much manmade.
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Mon, 14 Nov 1994

Ministers urge anti-dumping measures in Asia-Pacific JAKARTA (JP): Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans and Chilean Minister of the Economy Alvaro Garcia Hurtado want action to end dumping practices in the Asia-Pacific region.
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