Mon, 14 Nov 1994

E. Timorese still hold ground at U.S. embassy

JAKARTA (JP): A group of 29 young East Timorese who forced their way into the American embassy on Saturday were still holed up inside as of last night. They refused orders to leave by embassy officials and rejected offers of mediation.

The latest offer came from the National Commission on Human Rights, whose three members, including secretary general Baharuddin Lopa, went to try to talk to them.

The youths had also turned down offers of mediation from senior East Timor politician Lopez da Cruz the previous night.

The Timorese, who are occupying the U.S. embassy parking grounds, told reporters that they wanted Dili Bishop Carlos FX Belo, who is believed to be in town to attend a convention, to mediate for them.

The youths are demanding the release of Jose Alexandre "Xanana" Gusmao, who is serving a 17-year jail term for leading an armed rebellion for a separatist state in East Timor. They also wanted an asylum.

The occupation of the embassy continued last night as U.S. President Bill Clinton arrived for the APEC leaders meeting. The event has attracted hordes of foreign journalists who are in town to cover the APEC meeting.

The chief spokesman of Indonesia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Irawan Abidin has called the action by the East Timorese youths a "kind of publicity stunt" and warned that their action was counterproductive to Indonesia's current efforts to resolve the East Timor question.

Meanwhile, East Timor military commander Col. Kiki Syahnakri yesterday confirmed that there was a riot in the East Timor capital early yesterday morning. The incident was sparked by the killing of an East Timorese by a trader of Sulawesi descent, apparently over a trivial matter.

Col. Kiki denied that some people had been arrested, except for the alleged murderer, who is now under custody.

The killing aroused anger among East Timorese who then went down to the market place to burn some of the kiosks. The riot then spread to other parts of the city. The Turismo hotel was ransacked and a Filipino guest was beaten.

Elsewhere, shops and passing motorcycles were set ablaze.

Kiki also confirmed that the authorities have barred two American-based journalists -- Amy Goodman and Allen Nairn -- from entering East Timor.

"They tried to enter East Timor without permission from authorities in Jakarta," he said. (jsk/yac)