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Searching for all articles published on 2003-09-15 ...
72 articles.
Mon, 15 Sep 2003

RI to attend money laundering meet AMBON, Maluku: Indonesia will send a delegation to a conference on money laundering in Hong Kong on Sept. 16, a government official said here on Saturday.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Watch a movie, in your own cinemaRapid development in home entertainment technology has contributed to lifestyle changes, particularly for those living in big cities.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Reforestation program under threat KOTABARU TOWN, South Kalimantan: A reforestation program for 83-hectares of deforested area in Kotabaru and Tanah Bumbu regencies is under threat, since the teakwood seedlings that were planted in the two barren areas have died due to the prolonged drought.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

On Uncle Sam vs the worldI refer to the letter by David Wallis titled Uncle Sam vs the world published in The Jakarta Post on Sept. 1.This aptly titled letter is a sad reflection of the state of U.S. relations with, not all, but much of the world. The U.S.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Sales of DVD player set to jump amid fall in pricesSudibyo M. Wiradji The Jakarta Post Jakarta The sale of DVD players in the Indonesian electronics market recorded a significant increase over the past several months as the price of the devices dropped.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Troops kill five more alleged rebels in AcehAgencies, Banda Aceh/Meulaboh Five more suspected rebels were killed in clashes between Indonesian Military (TNI) troops and members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in Aceh province, military officers said on Sunday.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Opposition ups against move to amend antiterror lawTiarma Siboro, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta A retired police officer has joined human rights groups in opposing the government's plan to amend Law No.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Ballet soothes hearts of the needyChisato Hara, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Indonesian Heart Foundation has arranged a two-day performance of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake by the Russian State Ballet of Moscow as part of its annual fund-raising drive and awareness campaign in commemoration of World ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/17/Red carpet treatment for privileged customersAndi M. Sadat Contributor Jakarta Although the national economy has not fully recovered, some businesses are thriving. The country's major banks are one example.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Explosive materials found at dump JAKARTA: A package of explosive materials was discovered at a dump on Jl. Peninggaran Barat II, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, on Saturday, a police officer said.South Jakarta chief of detectives Comr.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Bulgaria offers defense cooperation, cautiously On the sidelines of his four-day visit to Indonesia, due to be completed on Monday, Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov shared his views about Bulgaria's transition from a communist country into a democratic state and about defense cooperation with ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

President Bush's speech The central theme of U.S. President George W. Bush's address was a request to Congress for a supplementary budget of US$87 billion to maintain a troop presence in Iraq while the reconstruction process continues.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Indonesia welcomes lifting of Libya sanctionsKurniawan Hari, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The government welcomed on Sunday the decision of the United Nations Security Council to lift sanctions against Libya, hoping that the move would put an end to the sour relations between Tripoli and the ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Where to go in Jakarta: Monday, September 15, 2003Exhibitions* Video Art from Netherlands, Erasmus Huis, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav S-3, Kuningan, South Jakarta (Tel. 5241069), until Oct. 4. * The Fascinating World of Traditional Indonesian Textiles, Borneo Gallery, Jl.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Amien to seek foreign support JAKARTA: National Mandate Party (PAN) chairman Amien Rais is to seek international support for his presidential bid in 2004 along with his running mate, likely from the Indonesian Military (TNI).
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

5,300 join PTDI reemployment test BANDUNG: By the final deadline late Friday evening, 5,300 of 9,400 suspended employees of state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) had submitted their forms for the company's selection test.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Cisadane river severely pollutedMulta Fidrus, The Jakarta Post, Tangerang Thousands of residents in Tangerang regency living along the banks of the Cisadane river are at risk to various kinds of illnesses due to the high level of chemical and metal pollution in the river, a report has said.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Trust in high state institutions drops: SurveyA'an Suryana, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Public trust of high state institutions -- particularly the presidential office and the People's Consultative Assembly -- has dropped significantly in 2003, a survey says.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Competition in Plasma TV market gets tighter Rudijanto Contributor Jakarta Technologically sophisticated Plasma TVs are exclusive, expensive and prestigious products aimed at the few who are on top of the social pyramid.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/3/Bulgaria offers defense cooperation, but under strict control(This is not a direct quotation)On the sidelines of his four-day visit to Indonesia, due to be completed on Monday, Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov shared his views about Bulgaria's transition from a communist country into a ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Thousands back Palestinian freedomM. Taufiqurrahman, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Thousands of members and supporters of the Muslim-based Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) took to the streets of Jakarta on Sunday to denounce Israel and show support for an independent Palestine.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Parvanov reaches out for Buddha in C. JavaSyaiful Amin, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and his wife Sorka Petrova Parvanova visited the Prambanan and Borobudur temples on Sunday, one day before ending their four-day visit to Indonesia aimed at enhancing ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Part 1 of 2APEC and maritime security measuresMakarim Wibisono, Chairman APEC's Counterterrorism Task Force, Jakarta International terrorism has made the world a far more dangerous place than when the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was born in 1989.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

It is ironic that despite being an agricultural country with farmers consisting the majority of its population, Indonesia remains to be the world's largest food importer. Every year, the country imports at least 2 million tons of rice, 1.6 million tons of sugar, and 1.3 million tons of soybean.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Bulgaria, Indonesia seek closer trade relationshipRendi A. Witular, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The Indonesian and Bulgarian business lobby groups signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Saturday to preserve and stimulate investments and exports between the two countries.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

MIT course material available online free of chargeVishnu K. Mahmud, Contributor, Jakarta When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced it was going to publish on the Internet all of its course materials in 2001, the IT and education world was shocked.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Amien seeks support from Bush, Howard JAKARTA: National Mandate Party (PAN) chairman Amien Rais is to seek international support for his presidential bid in 2004 along with his running mate, likely from the Indonesian Military (TNI).
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

China's reforms stalled againOrville Schell, Dean, School of Journalism, University of California Berkeley, Project Syndicate As the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party approached last July, the Party's new General Secretary, Hu Jintao, seemed on the verge of ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

S. Sumatra tense, fate of governor elect iffyThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta The situation in the South Sumatra capital of Palembang was still tense, following the political uncertainty on governor elect Syahrial Oesman who failed to be sworn in on Friday.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

200 TB patients in dire need of treatment JAYAPURA, Papua: At least 200 tuberculosis (TB) patients in the mountainous regency of Bintang, Papua, are in desperate need of medical treatment, a local official has said.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Maluku to have new governor AMBON, Maluku: Home Minister Hari Sabarno is scheduled to swear in Brig. Gen. (ret) Karel Ralahalu as governor and Mohammad Abdullah Latuconsina as deputy governor on Sept. 15.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

N. Sumatra village has no cemetery MEDAN, North Sumatra: Unlike other villages in North Sumatra, Klambir V has no public cemetery. Villagers say they have frequently asked the Hamparan Perak subdistrict administration to provide them with land to bury their dead, but have received no response.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Parvanov reaches out for Buddha in C. JavaSyaiful Amin, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and his wife Sorka Petrova Parvanova visited the Prambanan and Borobudur temples on Sunday, one day before ending their four-day visit to Indonesia aimed at enhancing ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Preventive use of force may be justifiableVladimir Dvorkin, RIA Novosti, Moscow Despite the fact that world's leading powers constantly monitor proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems, hundreds of violations and suspected violations of the non-proliferation ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

House set to approve new money-laundering lawEvi Mariani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta The House of Representatives is scheduled to approve on Tuesday a new version of the country's money-laundering law that would meet international standards, and is expected to be able to curb rampant money ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Water disruption expected in Central Jakarta JAKARTA: Water utility PT Palyja announced on Sunday that some parts of Central Jakarta would experience disruption in water supplies due to engineering work.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/3/visitParvanov reaches out for Buddha in C. JavaSyaiful Amin The Jakarta Post YogyakartaBulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and his wife Sorka Petrova Parvanova visited the Prambanan and Borobudur temples on Sunday, one day before ending their four-day visit to Indonesia aimed at enhancing ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Tanjung Priok rights trial eventually startMuninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta There are 11 military officers expected to stand trial at the Jakarta ad hoc human rights tribunal Monday for alleged involvement in the Tanjung Priok killings, offering hope for families of the victims ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

City not yet prepared to inaugurate buswayBambang Nurbianto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Despite a number of delays, the city administration is still not yet ready to launch its bus rapid transit (BRT) system, popularly known as the busway, as two large questions remain to be answered.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

IBRA spokesman found dead after river accidentTheresia Sufa, The Jakarta Post, Bogor After a two-day search, the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) spokesman Raymond van Beekum was found dead after a river rafting mishap near Sukasari village, Rumpin district, Bogor regency, on Sunday.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Water resource management We read with interest your front-page Sept. 10 article, entitled Water resource bill needs examining, in which the World Bank is credited with some of the content on the draft Water Law.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Government to revise draft on bankruptcy lawThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta In an apparent bid to help companies with financial difficulties to undergo business restructuring, the government plans to revise the draft bankruptcy law, which is now being deliberated at the House of Representatives, an ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Govt to repair Sumatra highway JAMBI CITY, Jambi: The central government will immediately disburse Rp 54 billion (US$6.3 million) to repair a 105-kilometer section of the Sumatra east coast highway -- between Muara Tembesi and Sarolangun.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Visits to dentist ineffective for 30 yearsSari P. Setiogi The Jakarta Post JakartaHundreds of billions of rupiah have been spent on the School Dental Health Care Unit (UKGS) program for elementary students over the past few decades without producing satisfactory results, prompting the government ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

IBRA prepares holding companies to manage unsold assetsFitri Wulandari, The Jakarta Post , Bogor, West Java The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) said it has started preparations to form a number of holding companies to manage its remaining unsold assets when it is disbanded in February ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

TV Program: Monday, September 15, 2003TVRI .TB.30" .90" 6:00 a.m. News: Berita Pagi7:00 Cartoon10:00 Quiz: Dibisikin11:00 News: Berita Daerah 11:30 Music: Konteswara12:00 p.m.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

'Honestly, I just know what WTO stands for'Free trade and very low tariffs on trade are deemed the basic tenets of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which recently held its Ministerial Meeting in Cancun, Mexico. However, there remains a large gap between rich and poor countries.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

N. Sumatra village has no cemetery MEDAN, North Sumatra: Unlike other villages in North Sumatra, Klambir V has no public cemetery.Villagers say they have frequently asked the Hamparan Perak subdistrict administration to provide them with land to bury their dead, but have received no response.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

President Bush's speech The central theme of U.S. President George W. Bush's address was a request to Congress for a supplementary budget of US$87 billion to maintain a troop presence in Iraq while the reconstruction process continues.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Indian firm can provide quality, inexpensive meat Hind Agro Industries Ltd. (HAIL), which is based in New Delhi, can provide top quality water buffalo, sheep and goat meat products at very cheap prices, but Indonesian customers can not enjoy this because of the trade barrier imposed by the ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Ballooning U.S. foreign debt spells trouble for Asia Eddie Lee The Straits Times Asia News Network Singapore The signs are all there.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Prolonged drought intensefies power crisis in LampungOyos Saroso HN, The Jakarta Post, Bandarlampung, Lampung Blackouts imposed by state-owned electricity company PLN in Lampung over the last several months have caused economic losses and moved customers to refuse to pay their bills.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

China's diplomacy aids developmentZheng Yu, China Daily, Asia News Network, Beijing The primary goal for Chinese diplomacy is to retain the country's strategic opportunities and maintain economic development to the year 2020.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

RI to attend money laundering meet AMBON, Maluku: Indonesia will send a delegation to a conference on money laundering in Hong Kong on Sept. 16, a government official said here on Saturday.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Low pay forces LIPI researchers to moonlightSari P. Setiogi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta For Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) researcher Sugiono invention comes from extra determination and dedication, sometimes removing financial gain from the consideration.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Watch a movie, in your own cinemaRapid development in home entertainment technology has contributed to lifestyle changes, particularly for those living in big cities.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Protecting yourself against digital threats You are working on your PC. Outlook Express is running and it has been set to automatically retrieve your e-mail every three minutes. Then, several e-mails land in your inbox from Sweden that look as unfamiliar to you as Enron's accounting policies.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Stop blaming others over Aceh After blaming the press, human rights groups and anyone who expresses a critical view on the military operation in Aceh as obstacles to the failure of the government to speedily eliminate the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), the government has now found a new game to play: ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Power crisis in Lampung intensifyingOyos Saroso HN The Jakarta Post Bandarlampung, LampungBlackouts imposed by state-owned electricity company PLN in Lampung over the last several months have caused economic losses and moved customers to refuse to pay their bills.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Another sea park found in Karimata PONTIANAK, West Kalimantan: The clear water and diversity of coral reef ecosystems around the Karimata islands in West Kalimantan could match those at Bunaken sea park in North Sulawesi, an official said.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/17/Marketing PerspectivePromising future for sharia banksAde Jamaludin Contributor JakartaThe main function or role of a bank as an intermediary institution -- more than saving and borrowing -- is gradually developing further in line with current public demand.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Softening Pakistan's hardshipThe Dawn, Asia News Network, Karachi Pakistan cannot achieve a double-digit growth rate, which the International Monetary Fund executive director Abbas Mirakhor said it has the potential to realize, or contain rising poverty, about which the head of the IMF review ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Baby boy found dead JAKARTA: A newborn baby boy was found dead on Sunday morning in front of the home of Suranto, a resident of the Army's Yon Sikon housing complex in Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.The baby's body was found wrapped in a yellow T-shirt and a yellow plastic wrapper.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/4/TNIMore oppose revisions of antiterror lawTiarma Siboro The Jakarta Post JakartaA retired police officer has joined human rights groups in opposing the government's plan to amend Law No. 15/2003 on antiterrorism that would give the military a greater role in preventing terrorism here.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Democracy fiesta and profitsR. Kristiawan, Media Working Group for Election Program Science, Aesthetics, and Technology Foundation (SET), Jakarta The upcoming elections will take place in the wake of the media's liberalization, since 1998.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Life still a drama for children on mean streets of JakartaTertiani ZB Simanjuntak, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta "Life is not a (TV) drama, we all have to have meaning in life..." The sentence is the opening line of a poem Suprianto, 14, always recites to survive as a street busker in the city.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Minister blames Garuda JAKARTA: PT Garuda Indonesia should be held responsible for the employment status of 14 medical doctors and dentists who had been employed on an outsourcing basis by its subsidiary, PT Garuda Sentra Medika (GSM), Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Jacob Nuwa Wea said ...
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

First software family to run on the gridZatni Arbi , Columnist, Jakarta Suppose you are throwing a party at your house to celebrate your golden anniversary. You are going to invite all your relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors -- what have you.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

JP/17/MPHow banks should secure 80 percent of their revenueSyafruddin Chan Contributor JakartaFor quite some years now banking services have been enhanced by sophisticated technology, including the latest Information Technology (IT).
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Baby boy found dead JAKARTA: A newborn baby boy was found dead on Sunday morning in front of the home of Suranto, a resident of the Army's Yon Sikon housing complex in Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The baby's body was found wrapped in a yellow T-shirt and a yellow plastic wrapper.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

India, ASEAN told to remove barriersThe Jakarta Post, Mumbai India and ASEAN member countries could easily multiply trade and investment flows between them in just a few years if they removed trade and investment barriers, experts said.
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Mon, 15 Sep 2003

Recovering Haryanto wins more empathy from artist, legislatorThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta An elementary school student who is undergoing intensive medical treatment in a hospital in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung received a special visit from an artist and a legislator on Saturday.
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