Wed, 06 Apr 1994

YLBHI questions ABRI on follow up of Nipah clash

JAKARTA (JP): The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YBHI) yesterday questioned Armed Forces Chief Gen. Feisal Tanjung over the lack of inquests into the bloody clashes in Nipah, Madura, that left four people dead six months ago.

As far as the foundation is concerned, no legal process has been followed in connection with the violations of the law and individual rights that occurred at Nipah, it said in a letter to Feisal, a copy of which was also made available to The Jakarta Post.

"We fear that the case, if not resolved immediately in accordance with the applicable legal procedures, could set a bad precedent for the endeavor to enhance human rights protection in Indonesia. It could also taint the image of ABRI and ruin the good ties that have been established between ABRI and the people."

Gen. Feisal has acknowledged that some of his officers erred at the Nipah protest on Sept. 25, and has removed them from their positions.

According to eyewitness accounts, members of the local military in Nipah opened fire on hundreds of demonstrators in Nipah opposed to take their land to build a huge irrigation dam.

The incident angered local politicians and ulemas as well as human rights organizations.

The criticism ebbed after Feisal announced his decision to sack the local military commander and promised that those responsible would be taken to a military tribunal.

The YLBHI statement, signed by Bambang Widjojanto and Mas Achmad Santosa, reminded the general of his promise to prosecute and punish the guilty parties.

The Armed Forces headquarters declined to comment on the letter.

The dam, planned to flood 170 hectares, is expected to be able to irrigate over 1,000 hectares of rice paddies. According to the East Java provincial public works office, around 240 families are affected by the project.

Recent press reports from East Java indicate that the dam project has been revived after a strong public relations campaign by government and military officials on the merits of the dam for the development of barren Madura island. (rms)