Sat, 12 Mar 2005

German troops wind up Aceh operations

BANDA ACEH: German soldiers have completed their humanitarian mission in the tsunami-stricken province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, and started leaving the area on Thursday.

The 150 soldiers, who arrived in Banda Aceh on Jan. 3, have undertaken various tasks in Aceh, including the building of a health clinic equipped with a complete set of surgical equipment at the Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh.

Apart from building the clinic, the Germans also provided medical treatment to around 3,000 Acehnese suffering a variety of serious ailments, including tumors, broken bones and eye injuries.

A medical staffer, Rieffel, said that although German soldiers have left Aceh, personnel from several non-governmental organizations will replace them in giving medical attention to the Acehnese.

He added that the German government will be donating 1.5 million euros worth of medical equipment to Zainoel Abidin Hospital. -- JP