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Searching for all articles published on 2006-06-16 ...
3 articles.
Fri, 16 Jun 2006

Govt told to simplify import procedures for oil industryThe Jakarta Post, JakartaThe Indonesian Petroleum Procurement Association (APPI) has called on the government to simplify import procedures for equipment used in oil and gas exploration and production.APPI's secretary-general M.H.
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Fri, 16 Jun 2006

Bakrie Telecom plans to expand coverage to 17 cities next monthThe Jakarta Post, JakartaPublicly listed cellular phone provider PT Bakrie Telecom, which operates the CDMA-based esia mobile phone service, plans to expand its coverage to 15 cities in Banten and West Java next month in a bid to carve ...
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Fri, 16 Jun 2006

Cemex ready to drop lawsuit: ReportMexican cement giant Cemex SA is reportedly insisting on going through with a plan to sell its shares in state-owned cement producer PT Semen Gresik to local diversified business group Rajawali, but would drop its lawsuit against the Indonesian government.
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