Fri, 08 Jun 2001

Young broker dies after leap from 37th floor of building

JAKARTA (JP): A stressed out young broker allegedly jumped to his death from the 37th floor of the Bank BNI 46 building on Jl. Sudirman in Central Jakarta, early on Thursday morning.

Tanah Abang Police subprecinct chief Adj. Comr. Fadil Imran said that the victim, identified as Andrean Limoel Ciputra, 28, was an employee of PT Duta Integran Nusantara, which deals in foreign exchange.

Andrean's office is located on the 37th floor of the BNI building.

"According to Andrean's work colleagues, Andrean was suffering from stress and depression, allegedly because he had caused his clients to suffer great losses in business," Fadil told reporters.

"Andrean had left a suicide note for his parents and girlfriend, at his rented room on Jl. Casablanca in Kuningan (South Jakarta)."

In the note, Fadil said, Andrean apologized to his parents and girlfriend, Euis, 20, for being unable to fulfill their dreams and wishes.

"There were some dollar-sales and dollar-buying slips or receipts of some kind, in Andrean's rented room... on one of them was written: God Help Me!" Fadil said.

Andrean was reportedly due to marry Euis next month.

"We have yet to find any indications of a homicide in this case. So far, it is still suicide for us, but we are still investigating," Fadil said.

Police have so far questioned nine colleagues of Andrean, all of whom testified that Andrean had recently been in an extremely depressed state, because he had reportedly caused his clients major losses.

Two BNI security guards were the first to find Andrean's badly broken and bleeding corpse, lying at the base of the BNI 46 building, at 3 a.m. on Thursday. (ylt)