Wed, 12 Oct 1994

Yorrys arrested for role in death pf servant

CIGOMBONG, Bogor (JP): Yorrys Raweyai of Pemuda Pancasila, a powerful youth organization of questionable reputation, has finally been arrested by city police for his alleged role in the death of a male servant last year.

"He was formally detained Monday afternoon," city Police Chief Maj. Gen. Mochammad Hindarto told reporters yesterday after opening a six-month training course for low-ranking police officers at the State Police School.

Based on preliminary investigations, Yorrys is believed to have plotted the cruel torture of Djasman, 23, a servant. Djasman is wanted for the kidnapping and killing the two-and-a-half-year- old son of his employer, who is secretary of the North Jakarta chapter of Pemuda Pancasila in September last year, Hindarto said.

Djasman was alleged to have kidnapped Cornelius Simandjuntak's son, Jonathan, on Sept. 7, and killed the boy the next day by tightening a strap around the little boy's neck. Jonathan's body was found by passers-by in a school ditch in Depok, a suburb southeast of Jakarta.

Three days later, police announced that they arrested the suspect, who confessed to the killing because he was angry with his employer's brother for always reprimanding him. Police claimed that they arrested Djasman in an open area in Pasar Minggu in South Jakarta.

On Oct. 8, police announced the servant died Oct. 1, at the Police Hospital in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. Police told reporters that Djasman died due to severe injuries sustained before his arrest. The servant was already seriously wounded and losing one of his ears when he was transferred into police custody by a group of people who found him in Pasar Minggu and reported him to the police.

Hindarto said the police are also looking for his brother, identified as Rob, wanted in connection with the case.

Along with Yorrys and Rob, a police officer from a police station in South Jakarta was also nabbed for allegedly "lending" the servant to members of the youth organization, Hindarto said.

"He was in charge of supervising on-duty officers that day," Hindarto said without giving the policeman's name and rank.

Own initiative

After Yorry's arrest, the two-star general revealed that he received calls and requests from a number of parties asking for the release of the suspect, which he refused to identify. "I don't care about any of them," he said.

According to Hindarto, Yorrys, who is also the day-to-day chairman of the Golkar-affiliated organization, gave himself up freely to the City Police Headquarters shortly after his trial on charges of gambling at the West Jakarta District Court.

An informed source at Crime Investigation Directorate of the headquarters told The Jakarta Post that Yorrys was picked up by directorate personnel minutes after the trial.

"Yorrys and several others were immediately brought to the directorate for further questioning," said the source, who asked not to be named.

Last Wednesday, head of the General Affairs Unit of the Crime Investigation Directorate at the City Police Headquarters, Lt. Col. Gories Mere, said that the police were waiting for Yorrys to arrive from his hiding place in Singapore in order to arrest him.

Mere said they had waited weeks for his arrival in the capital city but learned that "he had snuffed out our plot."

Hindarto has yet to announce the type of punishment facing Yorrys in this case. He added that police were still waiting for his brother and still trying to corroborate confessions made by other witnesses and the supervising police officer. (bsr)