Fri, 22 Jul 2005

Yogyakarta to host terrorism seminar

YOGYAKARTA: The Yogyakarta State Islamic University has invited 100 scholars and religious figures from several countries to attend a seminar next week on terrorism and the clash of civilizations.

The director of the university's Center for Women's Studies, Siti Ruhaini, said the seminar was aimed at changing the global perception that Muslims condone terrorism.

"There undoubtedly has been an intensifying of opinion associating Islam with terrorism. To make matters worse, those in power in Muslim countries, including Indonesia, have failed to accomplish their secular projects, prompting Muslim hard-line groups to campaign for sharia," she said.

Figures from France, Denmark, Thailand, Malaysia and South Africa have been invited to attend the seminar from July 26 to July 29. Representatives of hard-line groups the Islamic Defenders Front, the Indonesian Mujahiddin Council and Hisbut Tahrir are also expected to speak at the seminar. -- JP