Y2K compliance
Bank Central Asia (BCA) is Y2K compliant. This means that BCA has upgraded its computer system so that it is ready to face 2000. BCA customers can feel safe depositing their money in BCA without fear of losing their savings, time deposits or any other accounts. It would not funny if suddenly, when you want to withdraw your money in 2000, the bank where you have a time deposit does not have your data.
I wonder if other banks in Indonesia are Y2K compliant, especially those banks that have their entire system on computer. Banks that operate phone banking depend entirely on its computer system. Customers can open a new account just by pushing telephone keys, keying in a Personal Identification Number, and the computer will register whatever your instructions are and carry them out. If, in 2000 they lose all the data and the customers do not have hard copies for proof, imagine what will happen.
I have accounts in Hongkong Bank, Citibank and Standard Chartered and all operate a fully computerized phone banking system. I don't know if any of these banks are Y2K compliant. Please, tell your customers if your computer system is Y2K compliant or they will think like I do. The year 2000 is 275 days (from April 1) away, and upgrading a banking system needs more than 275 days, I presume.