Fri, 08 Jun 2001

Workers stage rallies to reject new decree

JAKARTA (JP): Workers across the country stepped up their protest on Thursday to demand the annulment of ministerial decrees No. 78/2001 and No. 111/2001, along with the resignation of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Alhilal Hamdi.

The latest demonstrations were part of the All-Indonesia Workers Union Federation (FSPSI) protest against the controversial decrees which reduce severance and service payments for dismissed employees.

In Surabaya, the capital of the province of East Java, thousands staged a rally outside the office of the governor.

Rally coordinator Haryadi demanded the previous decree, No. 150/2000, be re-enforced. He said the two new decrees were issued to replace the old one after there was collusion between the government and employers to disadvantage workers.

"It's a setback that we cannot ignore. The issuance of the decree also shows that Alhilal Hamdi does not share our pain," Haryadi said.

Five representatives of the protesters were met by the governor's staff.

Governor Imam Utomo told reporters that he refused to meet the protesters because he did not want to be trapped in two conflicting interests, and also he could not directly give a response to the workers' demands.

"Everything needs to be studied. This issue is interconnected with many parties, including the workers and employers. Their aspirations will be accommodated and will be conveyed to the proper authorities," Imam told reporters.

In Semarang, workers in their protest disparaged Alhilal Hamdi whom they claimed had only caused grievance for workers by issuing the two decrees.

Chairman of the Central Java chapter of the All-Indonesia Workers Union Federation Tambah Sudjio was among the 66 union representatives who met with Central Java deputy governor Mulyadi Widodo and local manpower agency officer Mudji Hartono.

The union charged that the government had been biased toward employers who continue to refuse the climate of change precipitated in the reform era.

"I hope the Central Java governor and the provincial council will support our move because the two have a duty to defend and protect the people, including us, the workers," Mulyadi told Antara.

The head of the Semarang Manpower Agency, Mudji Hartono, said that the demands would be channeled to the ministry in Jakarta.

Separately in Biak, Irian Jaya, the local workers union also appealed to the ministry to revoke the decree.

The chairman of the local workers union, Anjang Nasaruddin, said: "We don't agree with the decrees because they do not side with the workers and they even prostrate our dignity."

He said a letter of protest had been sent to the minister in Jakarta, asking for a decision to annul the decree. (nur/emf)