Thu, 16 Jul 1998

Women in Indonesia

We all know what happened during the May riots: wild attacks on banks, supermarkets and shops, followed by a brutal assault on women. It is not important whether these victims were Chinese- Indonesians, Arab-Indonesians or foreign women. The fact remains that far more than 100 women were humiliated and tortured and the government did nothing at all to stop it.

Non-governmental organizations have set up hotlines, medical centers and psychiatric help for the victims. Meanwhile, the government, which now claims to be reform-minded and human, has yet to react with any apology or words of regret.

The government under Soeharto changed its way of thinking from Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) to a divide and rule philosophy. This was clearly a strategy to keep a certain group in power and it worked for 32 years. It is amazing that the country's students, who were educated and brought up under this system, developed a different way of thinking and had the courage to act upon it.

It seems to be too optimistic to hope that our new government will have the same courage. The members of the House of Representatives and the People's Consultative Assembly are running moral risks: their career, their wealth, their names. Changing your way of thinking takes a totally different mentality and is an enormous risk. As a matter of fact, it could cost you all the gains you have achieved in life.

Indonesian women, however, are in a different position. It is in our nature to take risks. We deliver our children while risking our lives. We raise our youngsters, offering our time and freedom. We feed them even if we have to share our own food. Women are the foundation of our nation and we should unite and strive for human rights for all women. We are afraid to take risks. We are already used to facing risks.

Moreover, women should learn to fight and demand equal rights in our society.

We have the right to be protected. All women in Indonesia should be guaranteed that Pancasila is not only a philosophy of the rich, but a way of life for the people. Women of Indonesia, close ranks and support each other! We simply have to take action to protect ourselves and our daughters.


Sawangan, West Java