Tue, 01 Nov 2005

Women and foreign husbands

So, the Indonesian government plans to get money from bule (westerners) and other foreign nationals who want to marry Indonesian women. The government forgets that there are nice women in other countries, and foreigners do not necessarily have to marry Indonesian women. The Philippines, Thailand, etc. do not ask for money for marrying their female citizens. Instead of getting rid of unemployed women and attracting voluntary investment in Indonesia and the support of these women's Indonesian families, the Indonesian government is being greedy and looking for fresh money for its cronies.

Greed is a sin and will be punished sooner or later by Allah.

It is also interesting to note that the government intends to take the rights to inheritance from the children and husbands of Indonesian women; so why should these men invest in Indonesia and say nice things about Indonesia to the potential industrial and business investors who are among their friends, why should they convince their friends to have holidays and spend their money in Indonesia?

Indonesian politicians are isolating their country and people more and more from the rest of the world because of their greed. The punishment will come soon: less investment, overpopulation and unemployment make for a growing number of radical elements.

Zurich, Switzerland