Wed, 11 Apr 2001

Wife, daughter found murdered in their home

JAKARTA (JP): A mother and her daughter were murdered inside their home at the Wisma Jaya housing complex in Pondok Aren, East Bekasi, on Monday evening, police and hospital officials said on Tuesday.

Agustina Rahayu, 44, was found dead at home with severe stab wounds, while her three-year-old daughter, Rizki Indrajati, was found dead with strangulation marks around her neck.

Agustina is survived by her husband, Rudi Wahyu Subagyo, who was reportedly away at work at insurance firm PT Jasa Rahardja when the incident occurred. She is also survived by two other children, Rani and Randi.

The newly-installed Bekasi Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Djoko Susilo said Rudi arrived home at about 8 p.m. on Monday, and found his house locked from the inside.

"Rudi usually comes home and his wife opens the door for him. On this occasion, he saw Rani and Randi playing around the house, because they too had knocked several times on the door but nobody had opened it for them," Djoko told reporters on Tuesday.

"With the help of neighbors and police, Rudi broke open a window of the house and entered inside."

Djoko said the police were still questioning neighbors over the matter.

Monday's murders are similar to those which occurred at a rented home in Kampung Gunung Utara, Ciputat, South Jakarta, where a mother and her son were found killed on Oct. 14 in 1999.

Sarah, 33, was found dead in the bathroom with multiple stab wounds, while her three-year-old son Aldo was found next to his bed with a slash wound to his neck.

The killer, who was arrested two days later, happened to be a visiting friend of Sarah's neighbor who was jobless, and was ticked off when Sarah scolded him for invading her privacy. He was sentenced to a 12-year jail term last year. (ylt)