Mon, 27 Mar 2000

Why English is so important

Once in a meeting my senior told the audience that English is not merely for the Englishmen but it is a language for all people in the world, a world language. Even in Japan, Shigefumi Mitsuzawa -- a legislator for the opposition Democratic party of Japan -- is drawing up a bill to make English the official second language. Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said in January that Japan should consider adopting English as its official second language. Also, Eiko Yasuno, a 26-year-old book publisher from Tokyo, said: "English is the only way to survive when you are abroad".(Tongue- tied Japan faces English "crisis" by Stuart Grudgings, The Jakarta Post, March 7, 2000).

This explanation is very true. I had an experience when I was in Saudi Arabia. While observing haj in Medina, I had a high fever and needed to be hospitalized. Because of this I would have difficulty in rejoining my flight group back to Indonesia. Thank God I had lessons on American English at home. I was able to convince the doctor that I couldn't be hospitalized. The doctor agreed to outpatient treatment so that I was able to return to my flight group.


Cimahi, West Java