Mon, 14 May 2001

Where's the professionalism?

It was very kind of Telkom to install "call waiting" free of charge. However, we found it a bit of a nuisance, and friends would also complain that we were not answering our phone (whenever we were connected to the Internet and therefore not able to hear those beeps). We decided that we would prefer people got a busy signal so that they would know to call back.

And so we asked to have the call waiting disconnected. Telkom disconnected our phone instead, an understandable mistake. So the next day we reported our out-of-order phone, and that very day it was reconnected -- minus the international direct dialing (IDD) facility, which we applied and paid for many years ago.

After advising Telkom of the error, we were told that since the IDD had been disconnected, we would have to reapply. This would entail getting a form from Telkom and giving it to our landlord to sign, if and when he next visits Jakarta. And then presumably paying Telkom to reconnect a service that it erroneously disconnected and is losing money from doing so because it is often used as an international fax number.

Why does disconnecting a service that we never asked for and never wanted have to be so difficult?

