Wed, 16 Jun 1999

Where is justice?

There were two very contrasting news items on Sunday, June 13, 1999. One was a broadcast by Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) in Berita Ibu Kota (News in the Capital) at 2 p.m. regarding 20 train conductors who were suspended from their duties because they were caught demanding money from fare evaders without giving a receipt and the acts of the conductors were therefore considered as a severe and intolerable crime.

The other was a telecast by ANteve at 5:45 p.m. where Minister of Justice Muladi stated that Andi M. Ghalib should be granted the opportunity of his "right to a defense" and to clarify his case.

One was about a group of powerless and helpless people; the other was about a very powerful and rich individual.

These two news items surely touched the conscience of a lot of listeners and viewers and at the same time spoiled their Sunday, including mine. Where is justice?

Mr. President, be courageous in immediately taking strong measures by minimizing the punishment of the train conductors and discharge Ghalib. Only then, justice shall prevail.

