What's wrong with Indonesian films?
From Merdeka
The Indonesian film world is seriously sick and there is no remedy for it. It is in very poor condition and awakes only occasionally. The question is how for long will it be sick? When will it be healthy?
Actually the national film industries of other countries share the same fate as our national film industry. Hollywood is the exception, of course, it is strong and moves at will in and out of other countries.
Our film industry is not only sick, it has several impediments. Apart from technical and other problems suffered by producers and directors, in particular the matter of stories, it has to endure a lack of professionalism in human resources. These obstacles keep the film world in its sick bed.
If there are national films in circulation, they are the result of some remaining enthusiasm. The themes hover around sex, passion and libido, because indeed, if the national film industry wants to resuscitate itself, it must regain its enthusiasm, passion and libido. Who knows? Some day we may see attractive national films.
Bandung, West Java