Sun, 08 Aug 1999

What do men really think about beauty?

By Jules Bell

JAKARTA (JP): What is it about women that men find beautiful, or sexy? A desire to impress the opposite sex is an innate consequence of our evolution as human beings. But is Pamela Anderson really the benchmark for all women, and are physical attributes all-important?

The Jakarta Post asked a cross section of Indonesian and foreign men exactly what it is that makes women beautiful in their eyes. Their opinions capture an interesting snapshot of what men really think, and a few surprises.

Brant, 35, a businessman from Australia: Well, what I like personally about a girl that attracts me is initially her eyes and smile, because it says a lot about the girl. If it is a genuine smile you can tell.

Again with facial structures, nice teeth, nice lips and hair as well. I generally like it long -- not too long -- and not too short like a guy. And then the total package; basically their legs, I have always been a leg man. If they have got good calves, wow, that's pretty good. And just a good athletic slim sort of body, nothing too muscular but nothing overweight. It shows that they take care of themselves and have self respect.

Rudi, 28, married and soon to be a father: For me inner beauty is the most important, rather than physical beauty. The most important thing is that a woman can understand her counterpart. I don't rate women in terms of physical beauty. I think that physically beautiful women are not beautiful in the absence of executive: For me the definition of what is beautiful is probably best seen in a woman's face. What I mean is, does her face really express a strong character, especially her eyes and nose? I like strong features.

I like tall women, not too thin, with long hair. In terms of body it has to be proportional. You can be tall but if you don't have the weight then women look too thin, and it is not beautiful at all. I like light skin tones also, and Indonesian tanned skin. When I see a woman at first I look at her arms, and as for breasts, not too big -- proportional ones. I also like short hair and puppy faces, faces that are a little bit chubby.

Harold, 23, an accountant from France: Talking about Indonesian women, the thing that makes the difference is the face.

Generally Indonesian women make a good impression, being quite thin and well dressed. But here if you can find a smiling face with nice eyes, that really makes a difference. The difference between French and Indonesian women is the skin. Indonesian women have skin that is warm and like caramel.

Generally I first look at a woman's legs, from the feet to the top. A nice skirt with long legs is the first thing I notice.

Hani, 51, a computer consultant: For me beauty in women is a total package. When I first see a woman I notice her overall style and general body shape and her facial characteristics. I think there is a difference between a woman who is just physically attractive and actually beautiful.

In my opinion, if a woman is good looking enough then other things are more important such as her personality and character. I do have a preference for thin women, but not too thin so that they look unhealthy.

I like medium-length hair and don't really care about skin tone. The faces that I find most beautiful are the more interesting ones. I think that what people regard as beautiful is not always what I like.

I think that woman with medium-sized breasts are sexy. I don't like it when women wear too much make up though, because natural- looking women are more attractive to me.

Craig, 35, an Australian businessman: First I look at the eyes, the face, and then I work my way down. And I like a good skinny body, and I guess I don't look much further than that.

But certainly eyes, face and down to the rest. I like darker skin. Breasts don't worry me too much, I don't really look at them, it is not an area that I care too much about. Often women have high cheek bones that really make them stand out, and not too many crooked teeth, and a good smile.

Wicky, 18, a recent high school graduate: Being sexy and pretty is not most important. The important thing is that she has a nice personality.

I like shy girls, quiet girls. I have no preference on body structure. The important thing is that she is nice, because the pretty ones are snobs and they hope for lots of things. Number one is inner beauty and number two is physical appearance.

I am usually attracted to girls that I know, firstly attracted as a friend, not just attracted physically first. I don't like aggressive girls. An important first impression is the way she dresses.