Wed, 22 Jun 1994

What are reasons for opposing Jews?

From Detik

Western films are merely tools of Jewish propaganda, wrote Teddy Sunardi in Detik recently. This absolutely disturbs me.

I will neither take the side of the Jews nor oppose them. What I want to know is what is he worrying about. Their style of dressing, the ritual of praying, or the ceremony of the Jew's wedding party?

Indeed, we neither recognize the Jew's religion nor Zionism, but why can't we see the Jews as a nation that we should learn its characteristics and everything about the controversial nation, as we learned Karl Marx's dogmas for the sake of knowledge and widening our horizons?

Why can't we appreciate a person such as Steven Spielberg, as we honor the prominent economist David Ricardo who is also a Jew? Haven't they given great contributions in their fields?

So, the key word is the word "Jew." It is obviously seen that our fear of Jews reflects our lack of knowledge about the nation. We, actually, do not know anything about "the dangerous threat of the Jews."

Finally with a clear mind, let us ask ourselves frankly: Is Zionism equated with the Jews? Is it right that all the Jews are Zionists? What do we oppose actually, the Jews or Zionism?

I truly understand that my statements and questions may lead people to condemn me as a Zionist or a Jew lover. I don't care. But one thing I am sure of is that I will neither oppose nor agree with anything that I do not exactly know or understand.


Ujungpandang, South Sulawesi