Fri, 04 Jun 2004

We do not live in cowboy country

Last Wednesday's fatal shooting of prosecutor Ferry Silalahi of the Central Sulawesi Prosecutors' Office came as a big blow to us.

It is not the first time a member of the judiciary has been shot dead by irresponsible people. Ferry's murder has further blackened the climate of the country's judicial system.

A biased court and flawed judiciary has become the status quo.

British Ambassador Charles Humfrey's disappointment over a UK company's loss in a legal dispute with its local partner remains fresh in the mind. Reports said the court had been partial and unfair in the case -- this is only a small example of the unfair court proceedings that prevail here.

It is ironic that clean judicial members, like Ferry, die for their principles.

We condemn such a "cowboy" practice, and Ferry's tragic death should become the last high price we should pay to uphold the law. -- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta