Wed, 08 Jun 2005

Wanurejo village showcases its culture

The popularity of modern performance has not caused traditional art communities from Central Java, particularly that in Wanurejo village, Borobudur, to become reluctant to put their local culture and art on display.

On the eve of Waisak, as Mendut and Borobudur temples were welcoming the arrival of Buddhists from all over Indonesia and abroad for religious rituals, Wanurejo art troupes displayed their talents to local people and visitors crowding around both monuments.

In an open field, artists staged the Wanurejo Culture Show for three days (from May 21 through May 23), from morning till late in the evening.

Apart from the traditional Jatilan (bamboo horse) dance, the show also included a chorus, folk music and a bazaar offering local cuisine and souvenirs.

The show is planned to become an annual event to spice up the festive Waisak atmosphere at Mendut and Borobudur.

-- Text and photos by P.J. Leo