Mon, 05 Jun 2006

Wali criticizes ministry ruling

JAKARTA: The Indonesia Franchising and Licensing Society (Wali) has criticized the latest Trade Ministry decree, calling it ineffective and a waste of time as the government is in the process of issuing a new regulation on franchise businesses.

Wali chairman Amir Karamoy said once the new government regulation was issued, expected to be sometime this month, the ministry would then have to revise the decree to accommodate the new regulation.

Amir was speaking to reporters following a meeting with ministry officials over the weekend, held to campaign for the new trade ministry decree, issued in March, which requires franchisees to register with the ministry or risk losing their business permit. Of the 200 franchisees in the country, only 73 have registered.

The government plans to issue a new regulation on franchise businesses as the current 1997 government regulation only covers the franchisee, not the franchise providers. -- JP