Visa to Japan denied
A few weeks ago I applied for a tourist visa to Japan at the Japanese embassy in Jakarta.
Along with the application I enclosed all the necessary documents such as my passport (with more than six months left), a letter of employment, a savings account book with more than enough savings and other things.
I was very confident that I would be able to obtain a tourist visa. However, my application was denied and, worse, my passport was stamped with Japanese Kanji writing. A friend told me that this indicates that I will not be allowed to enter Japan for a certain period of time.
This stamped rejection without any explanation might cause me difficulties when entering other countries. I am very surprised and can not understand it as I have traveled to Japan several times. I am also a permanent resident of the United States and I have never been involved in any immigration case or any other case.
I could have been informed verbally, or, if the rejection stamp is necessary, proper reasons for the rejection should have been given.