Wed, 21 Jun 2000

Visa International

I refer to Mr. Eddy Noegroho's letter VISA/BNI Card (The Jakarta Post, June 9, 2000). We would like to reassure Mr. Eddy Noegroho that Visa International remains the world's leading payment system, and is accepted at over 19 million locations worldwide, including at more than 627,000 ATMs in the Visa Global ATM Network.

Secondly although we are sorry for the inconvenience that he has been through, we would like to advise that we have checked with Makro and Bank BNI and would now like to offer this explanation to both Mr. Eddy and your readers.

Before making a purchase at any Makro outlet, the intending purchaser must have registered with Makro, and been accepted as a member. Membership includes acceptance of the terms and conditions set out by Makro. These terms and conditions also detail the mode of payment, and the cards that are accepted by the merchant at the point of sale.

Visa International has credit card arrangements with many banks here, including Bank BNI and Citibank.

However, acceptance or otherwise of the card at any point of sale will ultimately depend on the terms and conditions agreed to. In the case of Makro, the Citibank Visa card is accepted.

Unfortunately, no arrangements have been made between Makro, the Citibank Visa card and Visa International for the acceptance of the BNI Visa Card, notwithstanding the existence of an agreement between Bank BNI and Citibank.

While any inconvenience is regretted in this case, we would advise readers to check the terms and conditions carefully before entering into any further arrangements.


Country Manager-Indonesia

Visa International
