Tue, 21 Dec 1999

Violence in Aceh

Various circles mainly those involved in human rights affairs have asked the Indonesian Military (TNI) and National Police to stop the violence in Aceh in the wake of the Peureulak and Peusangan incidents, which claimed victims among inhabitants and security personnel. The request deserves to be supported by the whole community in order to avoid the useless shedding of tears and blood on the "front porch" of Mecca (as Aceh is often referred to in Indonesia). People hope that TNI and police leaders will strengthen their intention to stop the various forms of violence which haunt the lives of the Acehnese.

However, we need to see and consider wisely the violence in Aceh. Apparently it cannot abate, let alone stop, if the action of stopping the violence is done unilaterally. Although security personnel do their utmost, if the community does not cooperate and does not participate in the stopping of the violence, the violence will continue. Violence, especially that in Aceh, is not a matter for TNI and the police only. Violence -- closely related to human rights violations -- is often practiced by a group of citizens not only against other citizens but also against security personnel. The abduction, killing and sadistic torture of security personnel are concrete proof that there is another force outside TNI and the police that is capable of committing violence.

If TNI and police leaders are expected to end the violence there, firm action against their subordinates is not sufficient. They should also eliminate all potential that could trigger violence in Aceh. In other words, they must be able to eradicate the armed groups, including the provocateurs that often instigate violent action. If we do not want further violence in Aceh, we are obliged to support security personnel to fight those who are involved in all the violent actions. If we cannot give that support, I am pessimistic about all the theories on stopping the violence in Aceh.

