Thu, 06 Oct 1994

Veep changes itinerary

LANGSA, Aceh: The thick haze over parts of Aceh has forced Vice President Try Sutrisno to change the itinerary for his visit to the province this week.

Try will still tour the province but he has had to scrap his plan to visit the transmigration site in Jagong Reget in Central Aceh, according to the Antara news agency.

The highlight of his one-day visit to Aceh instead will be at Penaron in East Aceh.

Try and his wife, Mrs. Try Sutrisno, had originally been scheduled to harvest coffee in Jagong Reget. In Penaron, they will harvest rice together with the local people.

Officials said visibility in Jagong Reget has been reduced by haze to about 300 meters, making it dangerous for planes to land there. (par)