Tue, 19 Feb 2002

Valentine's Day and our sensitivity

The celebration of the day filled with love and affection known as Valentine's Day is an interesting point of discussion. This Western tradition, which has been adopted by Eastern nations, has been transformed into a lucrative market.

There is no ban on celebrating Valentine's Day in Indonesia, and celebrating this day which commemorates love is natural.

Businessmen with sharp eyes can anticipate the demands within the market, especially the demands for souvenirs from young people.

Some people have cheerfully marked Valentine's Day, with extravagant foods, and the presence of guests resplendent in beautiful dresses.

The merriment effectively ignored other parts of the city, where flood victims shivered in temporary shelters, badly in need of foods and clothing.

This contrast has aroused our sensitivity.

Of course we do not want to disturb people's right to enjoy their spare time.

We only wish to remind Jakarta citizens that their neighbors desperately still need help. However, we feel relieved that behind their festivities they have taken care over the flood victims.

-- Warta Kota, Jakarta