Wed, 12 Feb 1997

Use of fish attractor regulated

JAKARTA (JP): The government has made it mandatory for fishing companies to get a permit before placing underwater fish attraction devices.

Ministry of Agriculture fishery director general F.X. Murdjijo said the licensing procedure aimed to control the use of the devices.

He said fish attraction devices enabled fishermen to catch more fish but could endanger the environment and fish populations.

The devices are made from materials like tires, old pedicabs and bamboo.

The Ministry of Agriculture, through a decree issued Jan. 29, stipulates that only fishing companies with government permits can use the devices in water more than 200 meters deep.

The fish attractors must be placed at least ten miles apart.

Companies cannot place fish attractors in a way that disturbs fish movements or shipping lines. The devices cannot be installed less than 12 miles from the low-tide shoreline.

The license, issued by the Fishery Directorate General, is effective for three years and renewable.

License holders must report to the directorate every six months.

The decree states that anyone who has set up fish attraction devices should apply for the license within six months of the decree's issuance. (jsk)