Thu, 31 Aug 1995

U.S. plans for Bosnia

The United States has repeatedly declared its commitment to the establishment of peace in the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and protection of the UN-proclaimed "safe areas" in the war-ravaged republic.

But if seen against a backdrop of hesitation, contradiction and inaction, American declarations on Bosnia's tragedy are deprived of their credibility. The Americans, perhaps, are unaware that action speaks louder than words.

Even when the U.S. congress moved to take action and voted in favor of lifting the unjust UN arms ban imposed on Bosnia, President Bill Clinton stepped in to use the right of veto against the move.

The world community neither takes action to protect the out- gunned and out-numbered Bosnian Moslems against the more than four-year aggression launched by the heavily-armed Serbs, nor allows the Moslems arms deliveries to defend their homeland and protect their countrymen.

But ironically enough, instead of punishing the Serbs for their war crimes and despicable acts of ethnic cleansing against Moslems, the centerpiece of discussion now is a division plan under which the Serbs will be given almost half of the territory of Bosnia, an independent UN member state.

-- The Egyptian Gazette, Cairo