Fri, 06 Feb 2004

Unscrupulous parties announced

JAKARTA: Three non-governmental organizations concerned about labor and poverty announced on Thursday political parties and politicians considered to be unscrupulous, and therefore unworthy of support.

The Indonesian Labor National Front (FNPBI), Indonesian Labor Union (GSBI), Indonesian Transportation Labor Union (SBTI) and the Democratic People's Party (PRD) put all six parties that met the electoral threshold in the 1999 general election on the list of so-termed rotten parties for failing to fight for the interests of workers, democracy and human rights.

"We call on people, especially workers, to boycott these political parties as they have failed to protect workers but maintained links with the New Order regime," FNPBI chairwoman Dita Indah Sari told the media.

The organizations also branded 12 politicians as unscrupulous for failing to prevent the military operation in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. -- JP