Wed, 13 Oct 1999

UNDIP has three new professors

SEMARANG: The Semarang-based Diponegoro University (UNDIP) inaugurated on Tuesday three new professors of law, sociopolitical science and literature.

The university rector Eko Budihardjo presided over the ceremony which was attended by Central Java Governor H. Mardiyanto and Semarang mayor Sutrisno Suharto.

In his speech entitled Kejahatan Korporasi di Indonesia Produk Kebijakan Rezim Orde Baru (Corporate Crime in Indonesia, the Products of New Order Policy) Imam Sayekti Susanto, the new law professor, said that corporate crimes had damaged business morality.

New Order policies, which focused on economic growth, encouraged the development of conglomerates which monopolized the country's economy.

This led to social and moral problems in society, he said.

The professor of social and political science Sudharto Prawoto Hadi said in his address that current management of the environment was failing. The government had been applying "command and control management" which was proving ineffective.

Coordination among government institutions dealing with the environment were also very poor, he said. (har/sur)