Thu, 29 Jun 1995

Ulemas protest striptease show

SURABAYA: Chairman of the local branch of Indonesian Council of Ulemas KH Misbach called on the provincial administration to ban striptease shows in a number of pubs, night clubs and karaoke bars.

"There should be action taken against these," Misbach was quoted as saying by Antara on Tuesday. "These shows are against the religious values and morality of the state-ideology Pancasila, and may harm the morality of our youngsters."

A visitor at one of the bars, identified by the news agency only as AM, 30, said that the indecent shows are usually held on Saturday evenings and lasts through the early hours.

The dancers, said to come from Jakarta and Bali, reportedly conclude their acts by going from one table to another asking for money from the customers. (swe)