Fri, 08 Jun 2001

Two shot to death over drugs

JAKARTA (JP): Two suspected drug dealers were shot to death by the police, right in front of the Grand Mall on Jl. Sudirman in West Bekasi, late on Wednesday night.

The police also confiscated an FN 45 gun and five bullets from the hands of the dead suspects, along with 100 grams of shabu- shabu (crystal methamphetamine) as evidence, Bekasi Police chief of detectives Adj. Comr. Wahyu Handoyo said.

He said that two plainclothes police officers posed as potential buyers and met the suspects, Andreas Haryanto, 27, and Uut Tri Effendi, 20, in front of the Grand Mall.

They were transacting with them when suddenly Andreas, who suspected that he was dealing with cops, pulled out an FN gun from his side and aimed to shoot.

However, the officers shot Andreas dead in the head before he even got a chance to return fire, Wahyu said.

"Uut then tried to escape. My officers initially shot him in the leg but he kept on running. So, the officers shot him in the back, after which he died." (ylt)