TV Program: Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1999
5:30 a.m. Religious Teachings: Hikmah Pagi 6:00 Morning News 7:00 Children's Program: Lagu Anak Nusantara 7:30 TV Series 8:30 Tour and Travel 9:00 Music: Hiburan Keluarga 10:00 Interval 2:00 p.m. News: Berita 14 2:35 Cartoon: Silverhawks 3:05 TV Series: Daktari 4:00 Regional News 4:30 Teen Program: Remaja Indonesia 5:00 Science and Technology 5:30 Student's Quiz: Sang Juara 6:00 News: Lintasan Berita 6:05 Documentary: Rona Nusantara 6:15 Sports: Monitor Olah Raga 6:30 TVRI News (in English) 7:00 Evening News 7:35 Film: Marabunta: Teror in Bublie Pirus 8:30 News: Laporan Peristiwa 9:00 World News 9:30 TV Drama: Rindu Hati Dendam Tak Sudah 10:30 Late News 10:40 TV Series: Labyrinth
Program 2
4:30 p.m. Teen Drama: Satu Rasa 5:00 Documentary 5:30 City News 6:00 Children's Program: Anak Saleh 6:30 TVRI News (in English) 7:00 Evening News 7:35 Music 8:00 TV Drama: Nyanyian Putih
5:30 a.m. Religious Teachings: Kuliah Subuh 6:00 News: Good Morning Indonesia 7:00 Music and Information: Kliplus 7:30 Music: In Dangdut II 8:00 Variety Show: Mentari Pagi 9:00 Indian Film 12:00 p.m. Quiz: Ingat-Ingat 12:30 TV Drama: Tirai Cinta 1:00 Commercial Program: DRTV Indonesia 1:30 Music: AMKM 2:00 Children's Program: Kring O La La 3:30 Children's Music: Klab Klip 4:00 Cartoon: Hucle Berry Hound 4:30 Cartoon: Popeye 5:00 News: Lintas Lima 5:30 Cartoon: Mojacko 6:00 TV Drama: Cinta Kasih Clarita 6:30 Music 7:00 Evening News 7:30 Tazmanian 8:00 Musical Drama 9:00 World News 9:30 TV Drama: Rajawali Dari Utara 10:30 30 Minutes 11:00 TV Series: Benny Hill 11:30 Music: Rest and Relax 12:00 a.m. DRTV Indonesia 1:00 Religious Teachings: Renungan Malam 1:15 Late News
5:00 a.m. Religious Teachings 6:00 News: Nuansa Pagi 7:30 News: Indonesia Today (In English) 8:00 Cartoon: Magic Knight Ray Earth 8:30 Music: Nuansa Musik 9:00 Variety Show: Warna Warni 10:00 Film: Kabut di Garis Depan 12:00 p.m. Midday Bulletin 12:30 Quiz: Apa Ini, Apa Itu 1:00 TV Drama: Kabut Cinta 2:00 TV Drama: Keluarga Cemara 2:30 Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat 3:00 Children's Show: Tra La La... Tri Li Li 4:00 Entertainment News: Bulletin Sinetron 4:30 TV Series: Princes Cheung Ping 5:30 TV Drama: Setangkai Bunga Mawar 6:30 News: Seputar Indonesia 7:00 Evening News 7:30 Film: Bombshell 9:00 World News 9:30 Traditional Performance: Ketoprak 11:30 Midnight Bulletin 12:00 a.m. Religious Teachings: Renungan Malam 12:15 Late News
5:00 a.m. Religious Teachings: Diambang Fajar 5:30 News: Liputan 6 - Pagi 7:00 News: News Watch (in English) 7:30 Children's Program: Jumpa Joshua 8:00 Commercial Program 8:30 Music: Sik-Asik 9:30 TV Drama: Marisol 10:30 Talk Show: Yustisia 11:00 Music: Intro 12:00 p.m. News: Liputan 6 - Siang 1:00 Indian Film 2:30 TV Drama: Pengantin Santai 3:00 Children's Program: Krucil 3:30 Children's Music: Bintang Cilik 4:30 Music: Zimfoni 5:00 TV Drama: Isabel 6:00 News: Liputan 6 - Petang 7:00 Evening News 7:30 TV Drama: Melati 8:30 TV Drama: Cepot Copet Kepepet 9:00 World News 9:30 TV Series: Psi Factor 10:30 News: Dibalik Berita 11:00 Commercial Program 11:15 Late News
5:30 a.m. Religious Teachings: Mutiara Subuh 6:00 News: Halo Indonesia 7:30 Music: Indonesian Music Bourse 8:00 Prime Body 8:30 MTV Land 9:30 Commercial Program: DRTV Indonesia 10:00 Interval 2:00 p.m. MTV Getar Cinta 2:30 Cartoon: Casper 3:00 Cartoon: Gaiking 3:30 MTV Most Wanted 4:30 MTV Wow 5:00 News: Cakrawala 6:00 Music: Lanosta 6:30 Teen Program: Tips 'N Trip 7:00 Evening News 7:30 TV Drama: Penari 8:00 TV Drama: Misteri 9:00 World News 9:30 MTV Unplugged 10:30 TV Series: Sunset Beach 11:30 Sport Lens 12:00 a.m. Late News
6:00 a.m. News: Fokus 6:30 Talk Show: Saksi 7:30 Music 8:00 TV Drama: Pondok Pak Djon 8:30 Property News: Info Griya 9:00 TV Drama: Kemelut Cinta 10:00 TV Drama: Tantangan 11:00 Interval 3:00 p.m. Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad 3:30 Children's Program: Klak Klik 4:00 News: Horison 4:30 News: Fokus 5:00 Fallen Family 6:00 TV Drama: Di Tepi Kerinduan 7:00 Evening News 7:30 TV Drama 8:30 TV Drama: Flamboyan 108 9:00 World News 9:30 Film: Animal Protector 11:30 Religious Teachings: KeagunganMu 12:00 a.m. Late News
Animal Protector (Indosiar, 9:30 p.m.) , starring David Carradine and Camilla Lunden, is about the murder of Army officers involving an Army commander.
All television schedules are subject to change.