TV advertising
Can anyone tell me who is responsible for the screening of advertisements on Indonesian TV? Whoever it is needs to seriously rethink their ideas. On all commercial channels the total time allotted to advertisements outweighs that devoted to actual programs.
A prime example is the case of movies. Is it not enough that each night on most of the TV channels the feature film is summarily cut into two by the screening of the world news, without being forced to endure at least 10 minutes of inane, mind-numbing, not to say repetitive pap between each five to 10 minute segment of a movie?
Why do the powers that be deem it necessary to repeat the same ad two or three times consecutively?
Do they seriously think that this will endear the products to the TV viewer? On the contrary, I avoid products which are rammed down my metaphorical throat night after night with all the subtlety of a brick layer in a ballet troupe - no disrespect to brick layers.
Please, please, please, whoever you are, have a little consideration for those who are on the receiving end of your messages, they can be overdone.