Wed, 30 Jul 1997

Trump promotion

By Djanwar Madjolelo

JAKARTA (JP): The 1996 Maccalan International Invitation Pairs Championship was the first occasion that either Richard Freeman and Nickell -- World Champion: Bermuda Bowl 1995 -- played in the event, and they naturally took a little time to acclimatize. But they were soon up and running, demonstrating the one legitimate way to beat the par contract on this hand.

Dealer: East

Vulnerable: East/West


(S) 4

(H) A Q J 10 4

(D) 6 5

(C) Q J 6 4 2


(S) Q 5 (S) K J 8 7 2

(H) 9 6 3 (H) 8 7 5 2

(D) K Q 10 8 7 (D) A 3

(C) A K 8 (C) 10 5


(S) A10963

(H) K

(D) J942

(C) 973


Freeman Lauria Nickell Versace

Freeman led the Diamond King; Nickel overtook and returned a second Diamond.

At this stage Freeman knew his partner did not have the Ace of Spades or he would have cashed it. The only chance of a fifth defensive trick would come from Diamonds, so Freeman played a third round of the suit; the best Versace could do was ruff high, and cash the Hearts two to throw away his last Diamond.

Then he crossed to Spades Ace and led a trump. Freeman hopped up with the Club King and played fourth round Diamonds, promoting his partner's Club 10 for the fifth defensive trick and down one.

Alfredo Versace, 27, and Lorenzo Lauria, 49, were in the Italian team which won the European Championship in Vilamoura 1995, runners-up in the 1995 McCallan and winners in the 1997 McCallan.