Sat, 02 Jul 1994

Transport licensing to be tightened

Governor Surjadi Soedirdja said yesterday the city administration will only issue operating licenses for public transit vehicles that are part of limited liability companies or cooperatives.

"No permit will be issued to individuals," said Surjadi, adding that propriety transportation will not be allowed to operate in the city.

Surjadi made the remarks to reporters in reference to the city administration's plan to put another 1,000 wide-bodied buses on the streets in the near future. The extra buses were pressed into service to meet the demands of Jakartans for better public transportation.

"The permits may be given to the existing public transit vehicle companies or to new firms," Surjadi said.

According to Surjadi, in the future newly operated buses would also have to use gas instead of diesel fuel or petrol as many city buses now do. (has)