Mon, 08 Jul 1996

Training for transvestites

JAKARTA (JP): The city administration will not allocate a special area for transvestites to use for soliciting, says the deputy governor for social welfare, R.S. Museno.

"We will never provide such a place, but we have provided places for training them in special skills, such as hairdressing or tailoring," Museno said on Saturday.

Museno said the training programs are held by the city social services agency in its rehabilitation centers in Cipayung, East Jakarta and in West Jakarta.

Museno urged the transvestites to join the transvestites association to enter the program rather than hang out on the street every night.

Early this week, a total of 58 transvestites filed a complaint with the Central Jakarta mayoralty over extortion and demanded the city administration provide a special location for them. (yns)