Thu, 04 Jul 1996

Traffic jams in Bogor getting worse

BOGOR, West Java (JP): The traffic situation on some Bogor streets is getting worse, with jams becoming a part of everyday life for local residents.

Congestion is most visible on Jl. Veteran, Jl. Mawar, Jl. Merdeka and Jl. MA Salmun, where the city hall and district police office are located, Antara reported.

To make things worse, public transportation drivers often ignore traffic signs.

"The police don't seem to bother disciplining the drivers," said Heru, a resident who often uses Jl. Merdeka.

"It takes me 15 minutes just to drive 50 meters," he said. "Not to mention those illegal transport terminals along the street which could harm Bogor's image as a tourism town."

The same condition is also found along Jl. MA Salmun which intersects with Jl. Merdeka.

"Traffic often comes to a standstill. It often takes 45 minutes just to go 100 meters", said another driver, Dody.

Antara also reported that a lack of discipline on the part of the drivers, especially Angkot (public minivans) drivers, is partly responsible. The drivers regularly pick up and drop off passengers anywhere they like along the streets.

To make it worse, temporary kiosks have been constructed in Pasar Kebon Kembang by those whose kiosks were burned down in a fire last March. (26)