Fri, 01 Jul 1994

Traffic fine

From Media Indonesia

On June 23, 1994 at about eight in the evening, the patrolling policemen in the Pamulang area stopped a car driven by a student with two other passengers. The driver was charged with violating the traffic law because one of his rear lamps was off. For this fault, the Jakarta Police had the right to confiscate the vehicle and fine the driver Rp 36,000.

The driver tried to tell the policemen that he was not aware of the problem and that only a few moments earlier the lamp had been on, adding that the bad road might have caused the failure.

But the policemen rejected the explanation and insisted on taking the car. Later the policemen offered a compromise saying the driver should pay Rp 40,000 as a fine, instead. The passengers paid the fine and the problem was settled.

We were certainly not happy with this incident. The good image of the police will be tarnished by such practices. I think it would be commendable if the policemen gave the driver a chance to repair the faulty lamp, or even gave a helping hand if necessary.

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