Thu, 11 Oct 2001

TPJ to dredge Jatikramat river

JAKARTA (JP): PT Thames Pam Jaya (TPJ) will spend Rp 2 billion (US$200,000) in dredging the Jatikramat River, Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta, as part of its efforts to prevent the sludge from its plants from flowing into adjacent residential areas.

"Dredging Jatikramat river is our short-term attempt to tackle the sludge problem," External Relations and Communication Director of PT TPJ Rhamses Simanjuntak, said in a press statement received by The Jakarta Post here on Tuesday.

In the long term, the company will build a sludge disposal treatment facility and further improve the water quality of West Tarum Canal (Kali Malang), where the company obtains its raw water.

The Rp 2 billion fund will be used to buy an excavator and two dump trucks, to build two sludge ponds and to dredge 3.5 kilometers of the Jatikramat river.

The dredging plan was a follow-up to a meeting between TPJ, a partner of city-owned tap water company PDAM Jaya, with community leaders of Pondok Kelapa.