Tue, 25 Jun 1996

Tosummit start making color picture tubes

JAKARTA (JP): PT Tosummit Electronics Devices Indonesia, a Japanese joint venture company, started producing color picture tubes at the firm's plant in Bekasi, West Java.

"The company will operate at its full capacity of 2.3 million units of color picture tubes in August," the firm said in a statement.

It said the 14 inch and 20 inch color picture tubes are the first television tubes manufactured in Indonesia by Tosummit Electronics Devices Indonesia. The company will employ 1,100 workers when its plant is running at full capacity.

The company's president, Hirofumi Kakiuchi, said the surplus tubes will be sold domestically.

PT Toshiba Consumer Products, located adjacent to the Tosummit Electronics Devices plant, will start making Toshiba television sets next month. The tubes will be supplied by Tosummit.

Tosummit Electronics Devices Indonesia, set up last December with a capital of US$40 million, is 65 percent owned by three Japanese corporations -- Toshiba Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation and Orion Electric Co, Ltd. The remaining 35 percent is owned by PT Tabung Gambar Indonesia, PT Hartono Istana Electronics, PT Panggung Electronics Industries and PT Topjaya. (kod)