Fri, 19 Jul 1996

Top soccer official's resignation regretted

JAKARTA (JP): A top official of the All-Indonesia Football Association yesterday lamented the plan to resign by the association's league and competition manager Ismet Tahir.

Nugraha Besoes, secretary-general of the soccer body, said yesterday that although he had already received a formal letter of resignation from Ismet, no final decision has been taken by the association.

"The issue is now receiving our full attention, and we expect to reach a happy ending when Ismet meets the chairman in the near future," Nugraha said.

"Ismet has been an undisputed key figure in our soccer organization for the past decade. As one of the association's newer staff members, I feel we remain in need of his services," said Nugraha.

Ismet made the headlines recently when his letter to the chairman of the soccer body, Azwar Anas, asking for early retirement was leaked.

In his letter Ismet said that he could not accept a procedural violation in the association's decision to let Jakarta club Pelita Jaya secure talented striker Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto, who wrapped up his two-year contract with Swiss premiership side Lucerne last month.

According to the association's rules, Kurniawan should have received an International Transfer Certificate before being declared a Pelita Jaya player. The association, however, confirmed Pelita's acquisition of the 20-year-old player in its decree issued in mid June without the mandatory certificate.

Kurniawan is now heading for the Italian Serie A club Sampdoria following a three-year deal and a US$50,000 transfer fee.

Nugraha said that Azwar has yet to set a date to talk with Ismet but confirmed that the chairman has received Ismet's letter.

Another official heated up the resignation row by saying that four more top executives are likely to follow in the footsteps of Ismet.

He identified the officials as foreign affairs commissioner Nabon Noor, competition director Iswadi Idris, youth league director Sinyo Aliandu and league director Karnadi Siregar. (amd)