Top school rejects five-day week
YOGYAKARTA: Taman Siswa, one of Indonesia's oldest education institutions, has rejected the government's five day school week scheme now being given a trial run at some schools.
Taman Siswa deputy chief Boerhanoeddin Loebis said that the school curriculum in Indonesia is heavier compared to other countries, like Australia, and it is impossible to cram it all into five days.
The curriculum is currently spread over six days.
"The children would lose home studying hours and playing hours because they'd have to spend more time in school between Monday and Friday," Boerhanoeddin told the Antara news agency.
Muhammadiyah, a Moslem organization, on Wednesday also rejected the scheme and ordered all its schools to stop the trial run.
The six-month trial run was launched in September and the government is expected to make a final ruling in February. (emb)