Mon, 04 May 1998

Tony Blair's Middle East summit

The Middle East question is the supreme test of an international diplomat. The fact that British Prime Minister Tony Blair has taken it on is itself is in his favor.

There is always more to lose than gain in the Arab-Israeli conflict, but when you win, it's the top prize.

So, what is he actually proposing? A summit which will bring together the Israeli prime minister, the Palestinian leader and the American mediator, Madeleine Albright, in London. Blair will play the host and honest broker on behalf of a European Union which pays out plenty of dollars and receives a lot of flak.

For the Israelis and Palestinians, it represents a much-wanted payer but a little-appreciated adviser.

Progress in London on the withdrawal of Israeli troops, or on the final status of Jerusalem or Palestine, is fairly improbable. It could be little better on the question of security.

Tony Blair will have served Britain, the European Union and his own popularity well if he can add to his new crown an oriental jewel, however modest.

-- Tribune de Geneve, Geneva